Tribute Antibes HMS Unbroken
ExploreJemma - French LessonsProvencal History & Traditions

WWII Antibes’ 75th Tribute for HMS Unbroken

It is a time of anniversaries. World War I’s centennial commemorations have dotted the globe. Canada celebrated its 150th. Even Lolo’s summer camp in the woods of Ontario proudly handed out t-shirts with “100” on them. World War II anniversaries cannot yet claim three digits. Partly because of the war’s …

READ MORE  WWII Antibes’ 75th Tribute for HMS Unbroken
Secret French Riviera Local's Tips
ExploreLocals Travel TipsRebecca Whitlocke

Secret French Riviera Local’s Tips: Hidden Spots Worth A Visit

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: When you live somewhere, you are privy to local tips and things that you learn about your home town or region that tourists perhaps don’t see or aren’t aware of. Yes, TripAdvisor and tourist offices can be great sources of information but if you …

READ MORE  Secret French Riviera Local’s Tips: Hidden Spots Worth A Visit
Mural by Fernand Fleger 1952, in the patio La Colombe d'Or St Paul de Vence The Monaco Reporter @CelinaLafuenteDeLavotha
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

La Colombe d’Or Legendary Saint Paul de Vence Restaurant

There is nothing more fun than discovering a new local expert who likes to share their “insider’s knowledge.” We recently connected with The Monaco Reporter. Celina Lafuente de Lavotha is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina known for Tango, Football, Polo, excellent meat and warm hospitality, and very proud of having recently …

READ MORE  La Colombe d’Or Legendary Saint Paul de Vence Restaurant
Joutes provençales
ExploreRebecca WhitlockeWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Joutes Provençales at Vieux Port in Cannes

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Hosted at Vieux Port in Cannes, this summer families can enjoy free events that demonstrate the old tradition of provençale joutes. Cannes : History of the Joutes Provençales Joutes provençales originate from the Egyptian era; fishermen from the French Riviera originally set up a …

READ MORE  Joutes Provençales at Vieux Port in Cannes
Antibes Doors Windows
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Falling in Love with the Doors and Windows of Antibes

I was so impressed by the doors and windows of Antibes I couldn’t wait to show you! While organising photos from my recent trip to Antibes, I was so excited I just HAD to show you the photos of just the doors and windows. What a picturesque place! …Continue reading …

READ MORE  Falling in Love with the Doors and Windows of Antibes
Visiting Antibes French Riviera
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Visiting Antibes Again? The French Riviera Just Gets Better

Last summer was the first time I visited Antibes. Afterwards I realized how much I love the place and I started scheming how to return. Thanks to author-friend Patricia Sands, I had the perfect excuse. She invited me to come back to play! …Continue reading here for details on Deborah’s excursion …

READ MORE  Visiting Antibes Again? The French Riviera Just Gets Better
Travel Tips French Riviera Monaco Budget
ExploreRebecca Whitlocke

French Riviera Travel Tips 10 Places To Visit In Monaco On A Budget

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Monaco has a reputation as a place of luxury, superyachts and supercars but I’m going to shatter the myth that you need to have lots of money to enjoy Monaco as a tourist. Monaco/Monte Carlo is spread over a lot of hills, so if …

READ MORE  French Riviera Travel Tips 10 Places To Visit In Monaco On A Budget
Best French Riviera Museums Musee Matisse Nice
ExploreRebecca Whitlocke

Travel Tips: 10 of the Best Museums on the French Riviera

The French Riviera has over 40 museums with rich collections often set in picturesque locations overlooking manicured gardens, village squares or the sea. From Belle Époque paintings to modern sculptures, visitors to the region will find enough cultural places of interest to entertain them for a day, week or longer. …

READ MORE  Travel Tips: 10 of the Best Museums on the French Riviera
Beginner's Guide French Riviera by Mary Kay Seales
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Kay Seales

The Beginner’s Guide to the French Riviera: Stop Dreaming and Start Packing

Book Review: The Beginner’s Guide to the French Riviera from French Press Travel Books 2016 After 17 years of travelling to the French Riviera every summer, and one very interesting winter and spring, and after being the go-to person among my friends and colleagues for advice about travelling to Paris and …

READ MORE  The Beginner’s Guide to the French Riviera: Stop Dreaming and Start Packing
French Riviera Vence Properties for Sale
Sophia van Woensel-MoseStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Where to Buy Property on the French Riviera: Vence

By Sophia Mose: Buying Property in Vence versus St Paul-de-Vence Vence is a pretty medieval market town in the hills north of Nice on the Côte d’Azur. About 20 minutes from Nice airport, it has a population of about 19 000 people. The town is often overshadowed by its more …

READ MORE  Where to Buy Property on the French Riviera: Vence