Learning French in Provence it’s Not a Race
Never Argue With Your French Teacher My wife Val and I live in California but I spend several months every year in St-Rémy-de-Provence. When we first started doing this some years ago, Val spoke basic French and I spoke next to none. So we each took classes in the US …
Never Argue With Your French Teacher My wife Val and I live in California but I spend several months every year in St-Rémy-de-Provence. When we first started doing this some years ago, Val spoke basic French and I spoke next to none. So we each took classes in the US …

Doing Battle with a Teenager in the Language of Molière
Contributor blog post by Jemma: “Moi, je veux prendre le penne au pistou,” Lolo says to the waiter in fluent, properly French-accented French. Her order is no surprise. Pesto penne is one of my 13-year old’s favourites. The wiry waiter turns his gaze to Philippe, who sits beside me at …
Contributor blog post by Jemma: “Moi, je veux prendre le penne au pistou,” Lolo says to the waiter in fluent, properly French-accented French. Her order is no surprise. Pesto penne is one of my 13-year old’s favourites. The wiry waiter turns his gaze to Philippe, who sits beside me at …

What is International Francophonie Day? The Perfect Excuse to Learn to Speak French
With over 369 million French speakers around the globe why not celebrate? Since 1970, when the Niamey Convention was signed, International Francophonie Day (website) is celebrated every year on March 20th. There are 77 countries in the world where French is the language of record, or in some cases like …
With over 369 million French speakers around the globe why not celebrate? Since 1970, when the Niamey Convention was signed, International Francophonie Day (website) is celebrated every year on March 20th. There are 77 countries in the world where French is the language of record, or in some cases like …

Food and Wine Discovery Life in Provence for Viktorija Todorovska
In 2016, Viktorija Todorovska and her partner relocated from Chicago to the French Riviera (Nice); to see if they could adjust to the lifestyle. In her case, there was probably no question that living near the azure waters of the Mediterranean would suit her soul. Born in Macedonia (part of …
In 2016, Viktorija Todorovska and her partner relocated from Chicago to the French Riviera (Nice); to see if they could adjust to the lifestyle. In her case, there was probably no question that living near the azure waters of the Mediterranean would suit her soul. Born in Macedonia (part of …

Why Canadian Paula Kane Chooses the Provence Lifestyle
Paula Kane spends nine months a year dreaming of her life in Provence and the balance of the year soaking up all the beauty that the region offers. The saying might be that opposites attract, but a Canadian girl who like to cycle, loves food, wine and Provence sounded just a …
Paula Kane spends nine months a year dreaming of her life in Provence and the balance of the year soaking up all the beauty that the region offers. The saying might be that opposites attract, but a Canadian girl who like to cycle, loves food, wine and Provence sounded just a …

Why an International Couple Chose Provence’s Lifestyle for Their New Home
When you can choose to live almost anywhere in the world why would you pick Provence as the place to settle and buy a home? Mimi and Michael Pillsbury selected Provence for its lifestyle, culture and more relaxed pace of life. The South of France would indeed seem bucolic for …
When you can choose to live almost anywhere in the world why would you pick Provence as the place to settle and buy a home? Mimi and Michael Pillsbury selected Provence for its lifestyle, culture and more relaxed pace of life. The South of France would indeed seem bucolic for …

Why Choose Provence Lifestyle? Experiences by Author Keith Van Sickle
Welcome to the first in a series of articles based on Provence lifestyle. These posts are an attempt to separate fact from fiction and dig into what it means to live in Provence. To discover more we ask a series of questions to understand why some people choose to visit …
Welcome to the first in a series of articles based on Provence lifestyle. These posts are an attempt to separate fact from fiction and dig into what it means to live in Provence. To discover more we ask a series of questions to understand why some people choose to visit …

How Food Spices Up la Langue Française
Contributor blog post by Jemma: My dive into France’s linguistic obsession with food began with the summer shoe sales. This dazzling array pulled us into the shoe store – and launched an exploration into the French language. Twelve-year-old Lolo and I were meandering recently through the narrow streets of old …
Contributor blog post by Jemma: My dive into France’s linguistic obsession with food began with the summer shoe sales. This dazzling array pulled us into the shoe store – and launched an exploration into the French language. Twelve-year-old Lolo and I were meandering recently through the narrow streets of old …

Learning French to Enjoy Life in Provence
Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Having spent a good few months out of the last year in France both Andy and I have seen our French really improve, although we both started at very different levels. I’d learned French at school, although had given up after taking my ‘O’ …
Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Having spent a good few months out of the last year in France both Andy and I have seen our French really improve, although we both started at very different levels. I’d learned French at school, although had given up after taking my ‘O’ …

The Art of Learning French in Aix en Provence
‘L’art d’apprendre le francais’ and ‘l’art de vivre en Provence’ are combined for those signing up for courses with Destination Francais. It’s an Aix-based company started by two French teachers, tired of the classroom-based teaching methods they’d been tied to in the traditional system. They felt that learners need more …
‘L’art d’apprendre le francais’ and ‘l’art de vivre en Provence’ are combined for those signing up for courses with Destination Francais. It’s an Aix-based company started by two French teachers, tired of the classroom-based teaching methods they’d been tied to in the traditional system. They felt that learners need more …