La Rotonde Aix-en-Provence Favourite Cities Provence
AixcentricExpat Living and Real EstateLearning French

New French Classes in Aix

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: Learn French while exploring Aix If like me you are slogging away to improve your French, you may be interested in a new company, Destination Francais, which has been set up in Aix. They are offering ‘lively, fun and practical French courses in small groups …

READ MORE  New French Classes in Aix
Barefoot BloggerLearning French

Deviation: Language Barrier Ahead

The Barefoot Blogger is still not learning French. Although I have at least three online courses and two books on French open at any time, it’s just not sinking it. Well, maybe a little. Now I’m beginning to think that, perhaps, I understand some of the French words that are …

READ MORE  Deviation: Language Barrier Ahead
146 useful French words related to social media via @AccessRiviera
Learning FrenchRebecca Whitlocke

146 useful French words related to social media

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: As an active blogger, copy writer and advocate of social media I’m always a bit dubious whether my responses to French companies – especially on Twitter – are grammatically correct. I never have to worry again as recently someone pointed me in the direction …

READ MORE  146 useful French words related to social media
French Language Lessons Blog Antibes
Expat Living and Real EstateJemma - French LessonsLearning French

French: One Language Divided by Two Lingos

Contributor blog post by Jemma: Christelle backed her taxi into Bellevue’s courtyard the other morning and popped out with a bright smile and breezy bonjour. She is, quite blatantly, anything but the typical French taxi driver who lashed out across the international headlines last month. Equally striking is Christelle’s dress …

READ MORE  French: One Language Divided by Two Lingos