The Provence Book Guide
Books on ProvenceGinger and NutmegInspire

The Provence Book a Guide to Provencal Fables

“To Joan. A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou, plus a house in Provence.” ~Dedication: The Provence Book. It was a perfect Provencal day, where the cobalt-blue morning sky turns white by noon under the sun’s intense rays. Nutmeg arrived at Provence Paradise, an enclave of self-catering …

READ MORE  The Provence Book a Guide to Provencal Fables
#Provence Patricia Sands Author @patricia_sands #Sunflowers
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Patricia Sands Reveals The Promise of Provence

It all started with a backpacking trip to France in 1967. Patricia Sands spent her 21st year travelling and working in Europe, taking in the sights with her peers. After those 12-months, she was hooked on travel and unaware of the promises that Provence held in her future. Life moved …

READ MORE  Patricia Sands Reveals The Promise of Provence
Lynne Alderson
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal History & Traditions

Lynne Alderson’s Love for Aix en Provence

Writing a Book You might think Lynne would be busy enough with her blog and travel. Apparently not! She carved out a few months to write a book called Aix-en-Provence: The Inside Story. Why? “Because there is nothing similar available in English. Local guidebooks have a tendency to talk about …

READ MORE  Lynne Alderson’s Love for Aix en Provence
Travel Guide France en Velo
ExploreGinger and NutmegGuided Holiday Tours

Travel Guide: France en Velo a Biking Journey from St Malo to Nice

Previously published on Ginger and Nutmeg: Biking in France Whether you own a custom-fit, carbon fiber steed with electronic shifters or a three-gear cruiser bike with tassels, you have to admit that watching the Tour de France each July is addictive. The right to wear the maillot jaune is earned over …

READ MORE  Travel Guide: France en Velo a Biking Journey from St Malo to Nice