Playing House Memoir
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Playing House in Provence a Memoir

Sometimes, a book’s title brings up old memories. Remember your first house? Sometime after college and into your career, all of a sudden you were no longer “playing house”. It was for real. The following is an excerpt from the book Playing House in Provence: How Two Americans Became a …

READ MORE  Playing House in Provence a Memoir
Winter House Sitting Provence Cannes Quiet Beach Jane Dunning
Jane DunningStay: Accommodation & Rentals in ProvenceWinter in Provence

Winter is Perfect for House Sitting in Provence

In this guest post (below) by author Jane Dunning, she shares her thoughts on why winter is a great time to visit (and house sit) in Provence. Jane is the author of two novels Thirty-Five Minutes from St Tropez and its sequel Stolen Summer. Her experiences while house sitting in …

READ MORE  Winter is Perfect for House Sitting in Provence
Rosé Matters Wines France
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Exploring Why Rosé Matters, According To French Culture

I don’t think there is a topic I’ve covered more than rosé. Part preference, part probability, it seems only natural that a Provence wine specialist would document the past, present and future of vin trois, the third colour of the wine trinity. Affiliations range from the “Hampton’s Water” lifestyle crowd to …

READ MORE  Exploring Why Rosé Matters, According To French Culture
Paul Shore Author Uncorked
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Expat Living in Provence: Why not Try it

Paul Shore is a Canadian with a taste for adventure and a flair for writing. Some 20-years ago, he jumped at a work opportunity to live as an expat near the French Riviera. He chose to rent a place in the hill-top village of Saint Paul de Vence. The town …

READ MORE  Expat Living in Provence: Why not Try it
Christmas Taditions and books on Provence @maryjanedeeb
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

Book Review The Christmas Kalends of Provence

The Christmas Kalends of Provence, by Thomas Allibone Janvier, was first published in 1902 and republished many times since. The edition I am using is a facsimile published by Bibliobazaar, 2007, Charleston, South Carolina. Reviewed by Mary-Jane Deeb A few years ago my publisher, Paraclete Press, gave me a small …

READ MORE  Book Review The Christmas Kalends of Provence
Her Forget Me Not Ex cover @SClaireWriter
Books on ProvenceInspire

How Provence Inspired Sophie Claire’s Novel

The following article is by first-time novelist Sophie Claire. Enjoy the read! Although I’ve lived most of my life in England, my mother’s side of the family is French and we spoke French at home – so it wasn’t a surprise that I set my first novel, Her Forget-Me-Not Ex, …

READ MORE  How Provence Inspired Sophie Claire’s Novel
Provence 1970 #Provence #Books @MaryJaneDeeb
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

Book Review: Provence 1970

Are you a foodie? A Provence lover? A Francophile? If so, Provence 1970 is a book you might want to add to your reading list. Mary Jane Deeb shares her review of Luke Barr’s, Provence 1970: M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, James Beard and the Reinvention of American Taste, New York: …

READ MORE  Book Review: Provence 1970
Queen Yolande
Books on ProvenceGuest Post

Meeting Good King René’s Mum

Rubbing shoulders with royalty last evening…but actually to find out more about Queen Yolande, the subject of a book and talk by HRH Princess Michael of Kent. Born in 1380 to the king of Aragon, Yolande was married to the Louis II of the house of Anjou, and ruler.       

READ MORE  Meeting Good King René’s Mum
Provence Mysterious Photography
Books on ProvenceGinger and Nutmeg

Provencal Mysteries Unveiled in Provence Mysterious

Provencal postcards are dominated by fields of purple-lavender rows, stoic sunflowers against cobalt-sky backdrops, gnarled grapevines burdened with ripening fruit and endless groves of olive trees. It is highly unlikely that demons, demigods, bat caves and sorcery are images that pop into your mind when a friend says they are going to …

READ MORE  Provencal Mysteries Unveiled in Provence Mysterious