Aix-en-Provence Fresh Produce Market
Guest PostMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Springtime at the Aix-en-Provence Markets

Provence takes a long time to wake up in the morning. Especially on market days in Aix-en-Provence. It may be cold, grey, and dark when the market vendors arrive, but eventually, the market starts to buzz when the sun rises. Vendors begin arriving at 5:30 am for set up. I …

READ MORE  Springtime at the Aix-en-Provence Markets
Active Holidays French Riviera Cycling
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreStay Fit

Ideas for Active Holidays on the French Riviera

Only 35 minutes from the Nice Airport at 550m above sea level, the peaceful village of Châteauneuf-Villevieille is a clear contrast to the dynamic French city. Set against the flank of Mont Férion in the préalpes, Châteauneuf-Villevieille is an excellent base for an active holiday near the French Riviera. The …

READ MORE  Ideas for Active Holidays on the French Riviera
Springtime Debudding the Vines
Maison Mirabeau WinesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Springtime Debudding the Vines at Domaine Mirabeau

May is a critical month in the lifecycle of the vines on Domaine Mirabeau. In April, the buds break and begin to swell to show the first leaves and future branches. Then follows the critical process of ‘ebourgeonnage’ or debudding; the viticulturalist and their team select the branches that will …

READ MORE  Springtime Debudding the Vines at Domaine Mirabeau
Remarkable Mediterranean Gardens Coast Nice Public Gardens
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFrench Decor & GardensInspire

Remarkable Mediterranean Gardens of the French Riviera

Remarkable French Gardens If you need another reason to head to the Mediterranean coast, there are 14 gardens registered as Jardins remarquable (Remarkable Gardens) near the Côte d’Azur. Visit any one of these verdant paradises created by gardening enthusiasts and get lost in the beautiful scenery. Spread along the coastline …

READ MORE  Remarkable Mediterranean Gardens of the French Riviera
Un Automne en Pays de Fayence
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Un Automne en Pays de Fayence Captures the Heart of Provence

With non-essential travel to France restricted due to Covid-19, soulmates Catherine Karnow (National Geographic photographer) and Gilles Portaz (geography and history professor) spent a year apart. Finally, thanks to the “love visa,” a compassionate entry permit for non-married couples, they were reunited in Provence in November 2020. They got reacquainted …

READ MORE  Un Automne en Pays de Fayence Captures the Heart of Provence
Villefranche-sur-Mer French Coast Living
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLiving in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Villefranche-sur-Mer the best of French Coast Lifestyle

Shelley and Riccardo are both Americans who have lived in Villefranche-sur-Mer for 21 years. They initially arrived in this charming seaside town to visit a friend, then returned for an extended stay and decided that they never wanted to leave the French Riviera. In 2004, they launched a holiday apartment …

READ MORE  Villefranche-sur-Mer the best of French Coast Lifestyle
Charming Reillanne Luberon Village
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLiving in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Charming Reillanne a Luberon Village to Visit

Martine and George Greenlee arrived in Provence for a one-year trial – several years ago! It took time to decide that Reillanne, in the Luberon Valley, was the place that they wanted to live. Reillanne ticked all the boxes, and they bought a home in 2016 – it’s close to …

READ MORE  Charming Reillanne a Luberon Village to Visit
Great Hiking Luberon
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

There is Great Hiking in the Luberon

This last week, I have been out every day, walking with Millie. Not just a little amble along the lane or up the trails at the back of the house, but good, long walks, exploring some favourite tracks and finding some new ones too. Although the physiotherapist has said that …

READ MORE  There is Great Hiking in the Luberon
Spring Dinner Menu Paris French Menu 2021
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

A Spring Dinner Menu from Paris Part-Time

Chef, author, and part-time resident of Paris, Lisa Baker Morgan agreed to curate our Spring Menu. She brings together three (3) recipes that celebrate the best of spring flavours, including asparagus, morels and strawberries. Start your evening with a cocktail, perhaps a glass of French champagne or one of these …

READ MORE  A Spring Dinner Menu from Paris Part-Time
Spring Events in Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Spring Events in Provence Discover What’s On 2021

Spring Events in Provence Spring in Provence is lovely. As is the case with most of the year, the sun shines brightly, but expect the odd rainstorm. Moisture in this period is critical for the grapes, olives, and almonds to start their growing cycles. In March and April, expect to …

READ MORE  Spring Events in Provence Discover What’s On 2021