Braised Lamb Shank provencal lamb shanks #TastesofProvence @CocoaandLavender
David Scott AllenLambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Braised Lamb Shank with Provencal Spices

Roasted lamb shanks with tomatoes and olives, spiced with traditional herbs and a few non-traditional ones such as citrus and paprika.

READ MORE  Braised Lamb Shank with Provencal Spices
Aix-en-Provence Roman Road
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

More Roman Road Uncovered in Aix en Provence

It’s so fascinating that every time people start digging in Aix, they come up with remains from Roman times. And the latest to be uncovered is 50 metres of a road near to the hospital. There is to be a new car park for the hospital and a bus lane …

READ MORE  More Roman Road Uncovered in Aix en Provence
Lemon Madeleines Tastes Provence
Cakes & CookiesDavid Scott AllenDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Lemon Madeleines

While the origin of this little spongecake or “teacake” that is served as a cookie is still widely debated today, one thing is for certain madeleines are a light, sweet and aromatic taste experience.

READ MORE  Recipe for Lemon Madeleines
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspirePhotographers in Provence

Photographer Ashley Tinker Foraging in Provence

Admittedly the first time I met Ashley Tinker I was a bit distracted, nine (9!) of my girlfriends were visiting Provence, and I was attempting to keep everyone on schedule. Subsequently, I discovered more about Ashley via her blog Curious Provence – a good name for her limitless marvel at the …

READ MORE  Photographer Ashley Tinker Foraging in Provence
Tour Fenestrelle Uzes @alabreche_annie
ExploreRoad Trips South of France

Seeing the year through in the Midi

Our village, like many in southern France, has a semi-permanent population; one of the first questions asked on being introduced is whether or not we are here all year round. A fairly cosmopolitan atmosphere is enjoyed here, particularly throughout the summer months, evident at the annual 14th July celebrations opposite …

READ MORE  Seeing the year through in the Midi
Gorges du Verdon #ExploreProvence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerExploreRoad Trips South of France

Weekend at the Gorges du Verdon

For my birthday last month, Robin and I headed off for an indulgent long weekend. When in Europe eh? We had been to the Southern parts of the Gorges du Verdon where you’ll find many turquoise lakes. …Continue reading here for more on Ashley and Robin’s road trip to the visit …

READ MORE  Weekend at the Gorges du Verdon
Spring in the Calanques @MyDreamyProvence
ExploreMy Dreamy ProvenceStay Fit

A cliff walk and one of the clearest water swims in the Med

Contributor blog post by Jill Cowdry: As days become warmer, it’s impossible to resist the urge to get out – attention turns to more exercise and a spring swim in the med.  A short drive from Aix en Provence or Marseilles the magical Calanques are a special place to walk, breath …

READ MORE  A cliff walk and one of the clearest water swims in the Med
ExploreGuided Holiday Tours

The South of France in Context Travel

Are you an intellectually curious traveler? Context Travel aims to be different, far removed from the average tourist tour, and certainly not with just any tour guides. Tour leaders at Context Travel are called docents, with good reason these are multi-degreed (MBA, Ph.D.) specialists in their fields of study who are keen …

READ MORE  The South of France in Context Travel
Aix en Provence Market @BillMagill
Expat Living and Real Estate

The Ties that Bind in Fête de la Musique

Suggested Song: The Ties that Bind, Bruce Springsteen Suggested Drink: Domain Saint Aix rosé I’m back in the U.S. for 3 weeks. I always miss home when travelling, but I’m sharing fun times with people I love, mixing in a bit of work that I enjoy, getting my fix of …

READ MORE  The Ties that Bind in Fête de la Musique
5 Reasons Visit Camargue Views Mediterranean Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

5 Reasons to Visit the Camargue

Take a road trip to a world away from lavender-scented fields, perched villages, and candy-coloured shutters. Head to the Camargue! The marshland and brackish waters where the Rhone River finally meets the Mediterranean define Provence’s “wild west.” Created in 1986, the natural wetland preserve is 100,000 hectares in size (read …

READ MORE  5 Reasons to Visit the Camargue