Marseille Provence Airport @aeroportmp

Flying from Marseille…New Destinations

News from Marseille-Provence airport….Easyjet are now flying to Manchester twice a week over the winter for those wishing to check out the Northern Powerhouse! And of course there are still the twice-daily flights to London Gatwick. Flights to Bristol will resume in April and Easyjet are advertising flights to Glasgow

READ MORE  Flying from Marseille…New Destinations
Savon de Marseille Soap Marseille
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Savon de Marseille a Provencal Tradition

Over 600 years! Talk about a recipe that has stood the test of time. 72% vegetable oil 28% moisture content Small amounts of salt and soda ash A cauldron with the perfect amount of heat Large moulds for the appropriate cure time A little Mistral to help with drying Start …

READ MORE  Savon de Marseille a Provencal Tradition
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Marseille: Lunch at the Green Bear Coffee Café

Seeking a healthy snack at lunchtime in Marseille? Look no further than the Green Bear Coffee Café close to the Vieux Port in nearby rue Glandeves. They have been offering bio fast-service food since 2007

READ MORE  Marseille: Lunch at the Green Bear Coffee Café
Cathedrale de la Major Marseille #Marseille #Provence @PerfProvence
Guest PostInspireShopping & Gifts

Marseille: Les Voutes de la Major

Slowly, the shopping and eating area tucked underneath the imposing cathedrale de la Major is coming to  life.  There are 8 stores open so far, including a very large Habitat (1500m2) and a Fragonard more of which later.

READ MORE  Marseille: Les Voutes de la Major
Marseille Classic Bouillabaisse
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Marseille Classic Bouillabaisse

The fish scraps and a few herbs were thrown into a pot of boiling salty water. This meagre meal marked the end of a long day for the fishermen of Marseille. Fast-forward to today, and this fish soup is no longer considered a humble meal. You can read more about …

READ MORE  Recipe for Marseille Classic Bouillabaisse
Vieux Port Marseille
David & Karen TaylorExplore

A Day in Marseille

Contributor blog post by David Taylor: Marseille is a must do day out whilst staying in Provence. Its about 90 minutes drive from Saint Saturnin Les Apt, parking is easy and reasonably charged. The Petit Train is a great way to see the highlights. The Vieux Port is a big …

READ MORE  A Day in Marseille
Marseille Vieux Port Provence
David & Karen TaylorExplore

Loving Marseille

By David Taylor Last week we had a great day in Marseille, the city has improved so much over the last few years and is worthy of at least one day if not two. Naturally being by the sea the harbour is a highlight, surrounded by restaurants where you can …

READ MORE  Loving Marseille
MuCEM Marseille
ExploreSophia van Woensel-Mose

Choose Marseille or Aix-en-Provence? Give me both!

The Debate One of the favourite pastimes of the Aixois is fervently discussing the town’s many qualities. They cite the climate, culture and architecture; rave about the shopping and surrounding countryside; and compare notes on their favourite Luberon village, Mediterranean beach, local wine and restaurant. When we first moved here, …

READ MORE  Choose Marseille or Aix-en-Provence? Give me both!
MUCEM View Marseille
ExploreGuest Post

Coming Soon to Marseille: MUCEM Plage

What a great idea – 640 tonnes of sand to be dumped on the MUCEM esplanade to make a big beach for the summer. It will be open all day for walks, picnics at shaded tables, pétanque games, ping-pong and, on Sundays, dances. There will also be workshops. MUCEM Museum …

READ MORE  Coming Soon to Marseille: MUCEM Plage
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Painting Classes – Les Milles and Marseille

If you fancy giving your painting skills a boost, I can recommend, from personal experience, the Atelier Ombres et Lumieres in Les Milles. Owner and artist Muriel Moutel will be teaching one-week courses for adults and ados during July. Muriel encourages her classes to start with interesting backgrounds of tissue.

READ MORE  Painting Classes – Les Milles and Marseille