French Cooking ClassesTaste

Madame Wells Farmhouse

By Krista Bender



I just had a 5 course meal over four hours of wonderful conversation in this setting. I don’t know what could top my “happy place” than that!

I pulled up to this Chateau which was set steep on the hillside. I was immediately taken with the Explore this Post

Via:: Pastry in Paris



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Les Souvenirs de l’Avenir – Lunch in Jouques

Krista Bender

Krista Bender is a food enthusiast, wine lover and Francophile! She visited Paris for the first time eight years ago and has been fascinated by the French culture ever since. After returning from her Parisian vacation, Krista immediately enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu cooking school in San Francisco, California. She was on the fast track to becoming a pastry chef and immersing herself in the world of food, wine and French pastry.

Krista has since returned to France several times and decided to start my blog Pastry in Paris to document her travels and adventures through France as well as share recipes. Krista says that France has really shaped her everyday life and encourages her to focus on the simple pleasures. "Whether it's sipping champagne with friends or enjoying my cafe au lait with croissant~ I truly believe in slowing down and savoring life!"

When she is not traveling through France Krista works as an innovation chef testing recipes out of a company based in Los Angeles, California.

Enjoy reading Pastry in Paris!

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