French Cooking ClassesTaste

Last day in Provence at Chanteduc with Patricia Wells

By Krista Bender It is hard to believe that this is my last day at Chanteduc, with Patricia and all of these fabulous women. I must say it has been a truly remarkable experience that will remain unforgettable in my memory. Today it was raining and what better way to …

READ MORE  Last day in Provence at Chanteduc with Patricia Wells
Local Food ProducersTaste

Marche de Provence … Chanteduc Day 2

By Krista Bender We started this morning at the town open air market which much to my surprise… Consists of the entire village. I was thinking it was just going to be a strip in village center but literally there are stands down every charming stone street. The vendors come …

READ MORE  Marche de Provence … Chanteduc Day 2
Patricia Wells Farmhouse @KristaBender
French Cooking ClassesTaste

Madame Wells Farmhouse

By Krista Bender   I just had a 5 course meal over four hours of wonderful conversation in this setting. I don’t know what could top my “happy place” than that! I pulled up to this Chateau which was set steep on the hillside. I was immediately taken with the …

READ MORE  Madame Wells Farmhouse