Christmas Traditions Santons Provence
InspireMargo LestzProvencal History & Traditions

Christmas Traditions the Santons of Provence

Christmas Traditions in Provence This year, all I wanted for Christmas was santons – those little clay Provençal figurines that pop up every Christmas in the south of France. They’re part of the local Nativity scenes, and every person in the village is represented. I began collecting santons when I …

READ MORE  Christmas Traditions the Santons of Provence
Bell Tower Hotel de Ville Aix-en-Provence #AixenProvence @PerfectlyProvence
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence

After 18 years in Aix, I only realized that it’s actually someone’s job to clamber up narrow staircases and reach across the void inside the Tour de l’Horloge to manoeuvre the four (4) statues around every 3 months when the season changes. It’s down to (or should we say up …

READ MORE  The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence
Resistance Movement in Provence
InspireJulie WhitmarshProvencal History & Traditions

Remembering the Resistance Movement in Provence

In the centre of the pretty village of Saint Saturnin les Apt is a peaceful square (home to the vibrant Tuesday morning market), and to one side is a small garden area that sits in front of a stark stone wall, which is a memorial to the dramatic and devastating …

READ MORE  Remembering the Resistance Movement in Provence
Sainte Baume Grotto View at a Distance
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Mary Magdalene’s Cave the Sainte Baume Grotto

Easter Sunday Mass was celebrated at ‘La Grotte de Sainte-Baume’ at the weekend to formally re-open the cave of Saint Mary Magdalene after its being closed for 10 months’ work. I hadn’t realized that this is Christianity’s 3rd most holy shrine after Christ in Jerusalem and St Peter in Rome. …

READ MORE  Mary Magdalene’s Cave the Sainte Baume Grotto
Muséon Arlaten Arles © Christian Rombi, Cd13
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Muséon Arlaten Finally Reopens in Arles it’s a Must-See

Arles Worth the Wait Eleven years.  That’s how long the Muséon Arlaten has been closed for renovation, but with the input of a leading architectural agency and the fabulous Arlesien designer Christian Lacroix, it certainly has style – see the staircase. Founded by the poet Frédéric Mistral in 1896, it …

READ MORE  Muséon Arlaten Finally Reopens in Arles it’s a Must-See
History Transhumance Provence St Remy
InspireProvencal History & Traditions

Don’t Miss These Transhumance Events in Provence

Weather Moves If you are in Provence in the spring or fall, you might see the movement of sheep and goats to greener pastures – transhumance. These organized transhumance events in Provence are kid-friendly and entertaining. Watching several thousand animals moving through village streets is worth experiencing. Seasonal weather dictates …

READ MORE  Don’t Miss These Transhumance Events in Provence
Olbia Lost Mediterranean City
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

Olbia a Lost Mediterranean City and its Mysterious Port

An Ancient Greek Colony Long before the Romans conquered Gaul (France), the Greeks established a series of colonies along its Mediterranean coast. Marseille, the oldest city in France, was once the Greek colony of Massilia. It, in turn, established smaller colonies in the area around it. One of these was …

READ MORE  Olbia a Lost Mediterranean City and its Mysterious Port
Masion de la Harpiste Roman Fresco ©Remi Benali
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Discovering Arles the Museums and Roman Sites

I discovered some interesting information online about a dig that has been progressing at Trinquetaille, on the opposite bank of the Rhône River (from Arles). Underneath an 18th-century glassworks, now a ‘monument historique,’ they have uncovered a group of Roman houses, many with mosaic floors.  The fresco in the illustration …

READ MORE  Discovering Arles the Museums and Roman Sites
Lavender Explore Provence
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Lavender the Summer Blue-Gold Attraction of Provence

This guest post about the Lavender in Provence comes from Marie-Helene, the co-founder of the online store Remember Provence. They curate Provencal-themed housewares, gift items and culinary ingredients and ship to customers around the world. Remember, Provence represents only high-quality products produced traditionally. Please follow this link to read the original article. Blue …

READ MORE  Lavender the Summer Blue-Gold Attraction of Provence
Parchments Archives Antibes History
InspireJemma - French LessonsProvencal History & Traditions

The Archives in Antibes for a Look at History

It’s unlikely that a trip to the municipal archives in Antibes would be on many (or any) visitor’s to-do list. However, for me, the chance to see parchments dating from the 1300s was irresistible. When four parchments appeared in a British auction house two months ago, the city of Antibes …

READ MORE  The Archives in Antibes for a Look at History