Saintes Maries de la Mer @bfBlogger2015
Barefoot BloggerInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Saintes-Maries-De-La-Mer Who Knew?

Planning a visit to the Camargue to see the white horses? Here’s another stop to add to your list. What I love about living in France is not only the opportunity to travel in this fabulous country but also the chance to re-learn history. What I never expected, though, was …

READ MORE  Saintes-Maries-De-La-Mer Who Knew?
Provence France’s Lavoirs
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Provencal Laundry all Washed up in France’s Lavoirs

Water sloshes against the sides of the shallow stone basin of the lavoir as weathered hands vigorously scrub at stubborn stains. Kneeling on their augets washerwomen exchange tidbits of town gossip as they work to brighten their laundry. Before communal lavoirs, personal washing was done sparingly by the side of …

READ MORE  Provencal Laundry all Washed up in France’s Lavoirs
Understanding Cowboys Provence Cowboys Provence Fete du village Bulls Explore Provence @PerfProvence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Essential Reading to Understand the Cowboys of Provence

Understanding the Cowboys of Provence Summer days in Provence are bathed in sunshine and surrounded by a chorus of cicadas. In the Bouches du Rhone, the blinding blue skies and the sweltering heat are also prime time for village festivals surrounding horse and bull events. These horsemen and women are …

READ MORE  Essential Reading to Understand the Cowboys of Provence
White Horses of Camargue @Bfblogger2015 @alanmcbride
Barefoot BloggerExploreProvencal History & Traditions

White Horses on the Beach: Festival d’ Abrivados Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

When I heard there were going to be white horses racing on the beach at Saites-Maries-de-la-Mer, I couldn’t wait to get there. I sent a note to my photographer friend, Alan McBride, and suggested he join me with his fancy cameras. It was an event neither of us could miss! …

READ MORE  White Horses on the Beach: Festival d’ Abrivados Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
History Transhumance Provence St Remy
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

History of Transhumance in Provence

If you are lucky enough to be in Provence in time for the traditional movement of sheep and livestock (spring and fall) you might catch a transhumance as the animals head to greener pastures. Although, this is really for tourists and kids now it remains something worth seeing. The practice …

READ MORE  History of Transhumance in Provence
Sacred Site St Baume @MirabeauWine
Maison Mirabeau WinesProvencal History & Traditions

Sacred site of Sainte-Baume

Contributor blog post by Victoria Koning @MirabeauWine: With its mythical and ancient forest, the sacred site of Sainte-Baume is one of the oldest religious sites in the Western world. According to the ancient Greeks, Romans and Ligurians, it was inhabited by the goddess of fertility. It is believed that Mary …

READ MORE  Sacred site of Sainte-Baume
Lacoste Marquis de Sade
InspireOur House in ProvenceProvencal History & Traditions

Lacoste, from the Marquis de Sade to Pierre Cardin

Lacoste is a well-preserved village that sits on a mountain ridge with great views to the east across a valley filled with vineyards and orchards to Bonnieux and the Grand Luberon Mountains. At the top of the village are the ruins of the castle of the Marquis de Sade now …

READ MORE  Lacoste, from the Marquis de Sade to Pierre Cardin
La Chartreuse #Avignon @chartreusecnes @PerfProvence
ExploreProvencal History & Traditions

La Chartreuse Avignon’s Neighbour

There is more to Avignon than the Palais des Papes and the Pont d’Avignon, just across the Rhone River is an old monastery called la Chartreuse in Villeneuve les Avignon. Read about La Chartreuse a beautiful restored structure that is now state owned and is the home of the Centre National …

READ MORE  La Chartreuse Avignon’s Neighbour
Baguette in Provence @AccessRiviera
InspireProvencal History & TraditionsRebecca Whitlocke

The Curious Case of Le Pain Maudit

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: This month’s contribution to #AllAboutFrance blog link up (hosted by Lou Messugo) was inspired by a conversation with a man I bump into often at a cafeteria where I regularly go. He is an unassuming pleasant man who is brimming with interesting stories and he …

READ MORE  The Curious Case of Le Pain Maudit
Birthdays and Saint Holidays @AccessRiviera
InspireProvencal History & TraditionsRebecca Whitlocke

Birthdays and the Calendar of Saints

Contributor Blog Post by Access Riviera: Becks recently celebrated her birthday – Happy belated to @AccessRiviera! She also shares some great information on the Calendar of Saints… Today is my birthday (Becks, not Access Riviera’s), hooray to me! Today I share my birthday – 27 January – with Saint Angèle……..WHO …

READ MORE  Birthdays and the Calendar of Saints