Ansouis Village Luberon Explore Provence
Our House in ProvenceRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Visit Ansouis for Lunch at La Closerie Michelin Star Restaurant

It was October, and we were back in Sablet with friends Steve and Mary from Michigan. One of our morning rituals is to sit around the kitchen table drinking petit cafes and reading our iPads and English language papers. Invariably the question is asked, usually by Mary, “Michel, what’s the …

READ MORE  Visit Ansouis for Lunch at La Closerie Michelin Star Restaurant
Mana Espresso #AixenProvence
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Mana Espresso for a Fresh, Light Lunch in Aix

This café had only been open 9 weeks when I visited in August so it was good to revisit it and see how things were going. Young British owners Alex and Ben report lots of activity and it was certainly busy yesterday, maybe a result of being rated 2nd on …

READ MORE  Mana Espresso for a Fresh, Light Lunch in Aix
Figs Cuisine de Provence
French Cooking ClassesTaste

Cooking Classes at Cuisine de Provence

Barbara Schuerenberg says, “I always joke that I learned to cook out of self-defence as our mother was a terrible cook.”  Clearly, she was successful in that pursuit as she enters into her sixth year of running her cooking school Cuisine de Provence in Vaison la Romaine. German-born Barbara’s journey …

READ MORE  Cooking Classes at Cuisine de Provence
Rose in Provence #VinsdeProvence @JillBarth
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

A Provençal Wine Road Trip

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: This post was part of Jill’s #12daysofwine blog series, in case you need an excuse to drink wine. You’ll sleep better tonight knowing there is a Center for Rosé Research. Where else but Provence? The center provides training, educational materials, conferences & tastings in …

READ MORE  A Provençal Wine Road Trip
Mirabeau Wine Give Away @MirabeauWine
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Mirabeau Wine Emerges from a Dream

Keep reading for details on a contest and giveaway! Media sources and reputable wine journals have published countless articles about “Team Cronk” a nickname often used for the Mirabeau Wine duo Stephen and Jeany Cronk. The wine industry is teeming with personal stories of joys and heartaches, tales that are …

READ MORE  Mirabeau Wine Emerges from a Dream
Recipe Rosemary and Bay Leaf Truffles
Ashley TinkerCakes & CookiesDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe: Rosemary and Bay Leaf Truffles

Rosemary and Bay Truffles – “The Essence of Flavour” Truffle faux pas Last year, as a gift for a kind favour, Robin and I baked these amazing truffles and presented them to a neighbour in a pretty glass jar. She looked at us almost in disgust. Not only had we …

READ MORE  Recipe: Rosemary and Bay Leaf Truffles
Vaqueyras Wine #RhoneValleyWines @JillBarth
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

True Love Brings A New Wine Love

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: This article was part of Jill’s #12daysofwine series. …Vaqueyras… The first of my great Vaqueyras bottles was served to me and my husband on a rainy spring evening in the lounge at the divinely cultivated Château des Alpilles in St. Remy-de-Provence. It’s my deep …

READ MORE  True Love Brings A New Wine Love
Cooking Classes #Cucuron @LaPetiteMaison @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerFrench Cooking ClassesTaste

Gift Idea: Cooking Class at La Petit Maison du Cucuron

Personally, I love experiences as gifts. My man has bought me all manner of classes and courses as gifts to feed my love for learning. Last Christmas, he bought me a cooking class at the charming restaurant La Petit Maison du Cucuron. Chef Eric Sapet at the restaurant (from …Continue …

READ MORE  Gift Idea: Cooking Class at La Petit Maison du Cucuron
Zucchini at St Tropez Market @PerfProvence
AppetizerCarolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesTaste

Quick Appetizer Zucchini Tart

This recipe I call “Jacques Zucchini Tart.” It is the perfect appetizer – think chilled rosé with a savoury, lightly salted snack that takes about 30 minutes to pull together. Your guests will be impressed

READ MORE  Quick Appetizer Zucchini Tart
Eggs Provence Market Produce @TableEnProvence
Paula KaneTaste

Provence: Where Are My Eggs?

Many years ago I met a charming couple from California while at the winery in Provence. They were staying on the property for a week and we hit it off immediately. I adore California wine country, and they love Provence so we had a great deal to talk about. One …

READ MORE  Provence: Where Are My Eggs?