AixcentricInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Marseille Euro Capital of Sport 2017

By aixcentric Marseille has won its bid to become the European Capital of Sport 2017. It was announced yesterday that it had beaten its rival Sofia to become host to an extensive programme of sporting fixtures, building on its experience of being Capital of Culture. The newly renovated Velodrome of …

READ MORE  Marseille Euro Capital of Sport 2017
La Rotunde Aix-en-Provence City of Water
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Visit Aix-en-Provence the Provencal City of Water Fountains

Aix en Provence is often referred to as the city of water. The Romans settled here in part due to ready access to natural springs. As the town began to take shape during the Middle Ages, there were hundreds of fountains created for domestic use. Today there are only about …

READ MORE  Visit Aix-en-Provence the Provencal City of Water Fountains
Pesto & PistouTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wednesday’s Wine: Reporting from the Riviera (part 1)

As you may have gathered, we spent some time on the Riviera last week and before leaving home I had booked in visits to a couple of my favourite vineyards. Cue much yawning from the children. So this Wednesday’s Wine post describes how we got on at Saint Explore this …

READ MORE  Wednesday’s Wine: Reporting from the Riviera (part 1)

California Bliss… in Aix

By aixcentric When a message popped into the Aixcentric mail-box saying that a new boutique of frozen yoghurts had opened in town and that, on opening the door, ‘you will be instantly transported to the beaches of California’, of course I had to investigate. And frozen yoghurt not being a …

READ MORE  California Bliss… in Aix
AixcentricWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Phot’Aix – More Success!

By aixcentric Continuing on my quest to see the photos in the Phot’Aix programme, I decided to stop wandering up side streets and concentrate my efforts on the Cours Mirabeau while shopping. The Hotel des Augustins has about 8 small dark photos in a dark reception area (venue 18)… could …

READ MORE  Phot’Aix – More Success!
annual Phot'Aix
AixcentricWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Phot’Aix: my unsuccessful attempt to see some photos

By aixcentric The annual Phot’Aix programme is now underway: it is showcasing the work of 41 photographers in 28 different locations around town. In principle, this is a great way to highlight new work and also to encourage people into shops, the cinema, restaurants to see it. Unfortunately my attempt …

READ MORE  Phot’Aix: my unsuccessful attempt to see some photos
Citroën 2CV Deux Chevaux Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

2CV Experience Spend a Day in a Deux Chevaux

The Citroën 2CV or Deux Chevaux continues to be iconic in France. In summer months, you can often see a few cruising the smaller roads of Provence. The 2CV was produced from 1948 to 1990.  During those 42-years of production over 3.8 million cars were produced, but relatively few exist today.

READ MORE  2CV Experience Spend a Day in a Deux Chevaux
Mario Vargas Llosa
AixcentricWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Nobel Prizewinner Speaking in Aix

By aixcentric The Fete du Livre this year has a globally famous writer appearing on 17, 18 and 19th October: Mario Vargas Llosa will be discussing his 2003 novel ‘Un Peu Plus Loin’ or ‘The Way to Paradise’. This is a historical double biography of Post-Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin and …

READ MORE  Nobel Prizewinner Speaking in Aix
Gnocchis Verts
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Les Gnocchis Verts (green gnocchi)

La Merda dé Can is the niçois name for these gorgeous, green gnocchi made with swiss chard or spinach. The literal English translation of the term will not be repeated here as it’s less than flattering, but I am sure you can work it out for yourself. Now, Explore this …

READ MORE  Les Gnocchis Verts (green gnocchi)
Caromb Vaucluse Provence
Hilda StearnInspire

Provence Lifestyle by accident or was it fate?

When my widowed mum announced that she was moving to France we all assumed that she would settle in Brittany or Normandy – places she had visited many times with my father. Within easy reach of the UK and her beloved granddaughter the north of France seemed sensible. My strong-willed …

READ MORE  Provence Lifestyle by accident or was it fate?