French Pharmacy Allergic Provence
Cheryl ShufflebothamInspireShopping & Gifts

Allergic to Provence? A Trip to the French Pharmacy

Please no! Anything but that. Upon visiting Provence this past June, with the unusually high temperatures of 95-100 degrees, my pasty white, sun-deprived skin went into shock. I developed hives or eczema all over! What to do? I finally stopped in at the pharmacy in Bonnieux—the French pharmacy is the …

READ MORE  Allergic to Provence? A Trip to the French Pharmacy
French People Expat Living Uzes @bfblogger2015
Barefoot BloggerFrench Cooking ClassesTaste

10 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About French People

Cook’n with Class Uzes gives me the opportunity to explore my personal feelings about living in France in their monthly blog. You may be surprised what I’ve learned about French life. When I came to France to live four years ago, I knew very little about French people. I’d heard …

READ MORE  10 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About French People
Ashley TinkerExploreWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

December Events in Provence 2017

Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker: December Events in Provence 2017 Snow in Provence! For once we might get a white Christmas! There are many Christmas markets this month in Provence. This is the time to binge on delicious nougat, foie gras, pink champagne and oysters. Yes, that is basically a …

READ MORE  December Events in Provence 2017
Culinary Holidays Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFrench Cooking ClassesGuided Holiday ToursTaste

Explore these Options for Culinary Holidays in Provence

Provence’s natural beauty, rich cultural history and agreeable weather are some of the many reasons that one might choose to visit the region. However, it is the food and wine that will make you want to come back time and again. This article outlines a variety of available options for …

READ MORE  Explore these Options for Culinary Holidays in Provence
Ouvrage Boutique Aix-en-Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Ouvrage Boutique Made in France Architecture and Design Meet in Aix-en-Provence

Sébastian and Agnes Krier shared the following about their architecture and design boutique, “Ce lieu ne pouvait que s’appeler Ouvrage: ce qui est produit par l’ouvrier, l’artisan ou l’artiste, le résultat du travail de ses mains et donc son œuvre.” This place could not be called anything but “Ouvrage.” The …

READ MORE  Ouvrage Boutique Made in France Architecture and Design Meet in Aix-en-Provence
Cezanne Musée Granet
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Two New Exhibitions at Musée Granet Works by Cézanne and Tal

‘Cézanne at Home’ and a retrospective of the painter Tal Coat have recently opened at the Musée Granet, both worth a visit. ‘No painting by Cézanne will ever enter this museum’, proclaimed Henri Pontier who was curator in 1900. His attitude is made even worse by the fact that, during …

READ MORE  Two New Exhibitions at Musée Granet Works by Cézanne and Tal
Lourmarin Market Fridays Luberon
Julie WhitmarshMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Enjoy The fantastic Friday Market at Lourmarin

As you know I’m a real sucker for the local markets and can happily spend a whole week visiting them in turn, sitting in a café having a ‘grand-crème’ whilst watching the world go by and heading home with a basket full of the wonderful local produce, perhaps with a …

READ MORE  Enjoy The fantastic Friday Market at Lourmarin
Christmas Wine Christmas Cocktails with Rose Mirabeau Winery
Maison Mirabeau WinesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Here are 6 Reasons Why Rosé Is The Perfect Christmas Wine

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to do that than indulging in some delicious wines. Now, there’s a certain stigma when it comes to rosé that it should only be enjoyed during the summer, but in actual fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just …

READ MORE  Here are 6 Reasons Why Rosé Is The Perfect Christmas Wine
Sainte-Barbe Ble d’Esperance
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Sainte-Barbe it’s time to plant Blé d’Esperance in Provence

If you’re in Provence, you will probably have already bought your little pack of seeds to plant today to mark the feast of Saint Barbara (Sainte-Barbe). Hopefully, with some warmth and sunshine, they will be ready for Christmas. The local saying is: Quand le blé va bien, tout va bien. …

READ MORE  Sainte-Barbe it’s time to plant Blé d’Esperance in Provence
Christmas Traditions 13 Desserts of Provence @PerfProvence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesTaste

Discover the Tradition of the 13 Desserts of Christmas in Provence

A buffet table laden with 13 desserts! How could the French be so smug as to think that North Americans with our turkey-centric Christmas dinners, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and a variety of sides are excessive? Or so I felt when I first heard about this holiday tradition. However, …

READ MORE  Discover the Tradition of the 13 Desserts of Christmas in Provence