Life in France Demonstrations, Strikes, and Bossnappings
Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: It’s springtime in France, and it’s also strike time. I’m just setting off on a trip across the country by train and I’ve had to adjust my travel dates because of the rail strikes – at least they put out a schedule. This spring/summer the …
Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: It’s springtime in France, and it’s also strike time. I’m just setting off on a trip across the country by train and I’ve had to adjust my travel dates because of the rail strikes – at least they put out a schedule. This spring/summer the …

Encountering the Wild Animal Kingdom of Provence in the Alpilles
Contributor blog post by Keith Van Sickle: St-Rémy-de-Provence, where my wife Val and I live part of the year, is a beautiful Provençal town. It has a long history, starting with the original Roman city of Glanum—you can still see its ruins on the edge of town. St-Rémy is the …
Contributor blog post by Keith Van Sickle: St-Rémy-de-Provence, where my wife Val and I live part of the year, is a beautiful Provençal town. It has a long history, starting with the original Roman city of Glanum—you can still see its ruins on the edge of town. St-Rémy is the …

Expat Living: How Another Year in Provence Flies By
Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: This time last year I was writing about our first year in Provence, borrowing the title from Peter Mayle, who so sadly died earlier this year, having fuelled the dreams of so many people over the years (ourselves included) with his wonderful stories of life …
Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: This time last year I was writing about our first year in Provence, borrowing the title from Peter Mayle, who so sadly died earlier this year, having fuelled the dreams of so many people over the years (ourselves included) with his wonderful stories of life …

Easy Fish Recipe Lemon Thyme Grilled Trout – Truites Grillées
The most difficult part of this Lemon Thyme Grilled Trout might be finding fresh trout. If you have a reliable fish vendor, they likely have fresh trout in the spring and summer months. Ask your fishmonger to clean and remove the scales, so you do not need to worry about that messy task when you get home.
The most difficult part of this Lemon Thyme Grilled Trout might be finding fresh trout. If you have a reliable fish vendor, they likely have fresh trout in the spring and summer months. Ask your fishmonger to clean and remove the scales, so you do not need to worry about that messy task when you get home.

Expat Living Experiences in Provence by Author Deborah Lawrenson
Born in the United Kingdom (UK) to parents who worked in the diplomatic service, Deborah Lawrenson spent much of her childhood moving around the world to China, Kuwait, Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg) and Singapore. After completing English studies at Cambridge University, Lawrenson worked as a journalist in London. Today, she …
Born in the United Kingdom (UK) to parents who worked in the diplomatic service, Deborah Lawrenson spent much of her childhood moving around the world to China, Kuwait, Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg) and Singapore. After completing English studies at Cambridge University, Lawrenson worked as a journalist in London. Today, she …

A Twist on a Classic Recipe Apricot Pistachio Tarte Tartin
Recently, the team at Mirabeau Wine was joined by a Hamilton-based Canadian chef Jake Laderoute, for some fun culinary experiences in Cotignac. A tarte tatin is a classic French dessert, that one might shy away from making because it looks complicated. It’s not. Here, is what Jake and Jeany had to …
Recently, the team at Mirabeau Wine was joined by a Hamilton-based Canadian chef Jake Laderoute, for some fun culinary experiences in Cotignac. A tarte tatin is a classic French dessert, that one might shy away from making because it looks complicated. It’s not. Here, is what Jake and Jeany had to …

What’s on? June Events in Provence 2018
There are many events this month including the Fête de la Saint Eloi. Saint Eloi is the patron saint of metalworkers, blacksmiths, cart drivers and craftsmen of all kinds. He is a particularly favourite saint here in les Alpilles. The Fête is normally transferred to the end of June rather than the …
There are many events this month including the Fête de la Saint Eloi. Saint Eloi is the patron saint of metalworkers, blacksmiths, cart drivers and craftsmen of all kinds. He is a particularly favourite saint here in les Alpilles. The Fête is normally transferred to the end of June rather than the …

Roasted Tomatoes à la Provençale Stuffed with Zucchini and Fresh Herbs
My recipe for Tomatoes Provençales is inspired by the typical cuisine, but it is a lighter version with a zucchini-herb stuffing (farce) intended as a pre-dinner bite. The tomatoes filled and baked and then served as an appetizer with cocktails.
My recipe for Tomatoes Provençales is inspired by the typical cuisine, but it is a lighter version with a zucchini-herb stuffing (farce) intended as a pre-dinner bite. The tomatoes filled and baked and then served as an appetizer with cocktails.

Le Château Constantin Wines a Family Vineyard near Lourmarin
Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: Many people dream of owning a winery; a romantic illusion of strolling through carefully tended vines sharing your vintages within the shadows of a sprawling château, which for me would have to be in Provence. Of course, dreams like this seldom come true, such …
Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: Many people dream of owning a winery; a romantic illusion of strolling through carefully tended vines sharing your vintages within the shadows of a sprawling château, which for me would have to be in Provence. Of course, dreams like this seldom come true, such …

Treasures of the French Riviera: Musée National Marc Chagall
Situated on the southeast coast of the French Riviera, Nice, France hardly needs an introduction as one of the most beautiful and sophisticated regions in the world. Nice is the second-largest city in the Provence-Alpes Cote d’Azur – often referred to as the Queen of the French Riviera. Whether you …
Situated on the southeast coast of the French Riviera, Nice, France hardly needs an introduction as one of the most beautiful and sophisticated regions in the world. Nice is the second-largest city in the Provence-Alpes Cote d’Azur – often referred to as the Queen of the French Riviera. Whether you …