Vincent Van Gogh Carrieres de Lumieres Le Baux de Provence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceInspireJulie Whitmarsh

Vincent Van Gogh at Carrières de Lumières

Finally! Carrières de Lumières It’s always good to finally tick something off the list of things you have wanted to do for a while. Last year, we finally got to see the Fête du Citron (now to be an annual event for us). Yesterday I got around to seeing the …

READ MORE  Vincent Van Gogh at Carrières de Lumières
Spring Events in Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Spring Events in Provence Discover What’s On 2019

Spring Events in Provence Spring in Provence is absolutely lovely. As is the case with most of the year, the sun shines brightly, but expect the odd rain storm. Moisture in this period is critical for the grapes, olives, and almonds to start their growing cycles. In March and April, …

READ MORE  Spring Events in Provence Discover What’s On 2019
Make Waffle Sandwich
Lunchtime MealsMaison Mirabeau WinesTaste

Forget the Bread Make a Waffle Sandwich

The pink colour for the waffles is healthy it comes from beets, which also adds a lovely, subtle flavour. Choose sandwich fillings to suit your tastes – vegetarian, meat lovers, grilled veggies, basil pesto, ricotta or goat cheese and few greens.

READ MORE  Forget the Bread Make a Waffle Sandwich
Risk Taker Provence Expat Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceRebecca Ronane

It Takes a Risk Taker to be an Expat in Provence

The Old School Expat The word expat has always made me feel uncomfortable. It conjures up in my mind an old-fashioned view of a person. Someone who takes tea with the best china in their adopted country and then proceeds to whine about their surroundings. I am no doubt generalising, …

READ MORE  It Takes a Risk Taker to be an Expat in Provence
Wild Spring Ramp Pasta
François de MélogueProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Wild Ramps: What Spring Ramp Dishes are You Making?

Ramp Pasta Made like Pate Nicoise: In Nice, they often make green gnocchi (Pate Nicoise) that simmers in the broth for the last 30 minutes. This year I tried something new, I made a classic Pate Nicoise (see recipe at the bottom), using wild ramps in place of the more traditional Swiss chard, and the results were stunning.

READ MORE  Wild Ramps: What Spring Ramp Dishes are You Making?
Porquerolles Fondation Carmignac Modern Art Porquerolles
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

This Season at Fondation Carmignac at Porquerolles

My visit to Fondation Carmignac, the newly-opened art centre at Porquerolles, last year was by far my favourite outing of 2018. I was lucky to get there just before it closed for winter, when lots of the exhibits went back to Paris. The centre re-opened with fresh artworks, on April …

READ MORE  This Season at Fondation Carmignac at Porquerolles
L'Art Mange l'Art
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

For MPG2019 Musée Regards de Provence Delivers Food Art

Marseille’s super Musée Regards de Provence has been inspired by the MPG2019 Year of Gastronomy programme and is serving up two foodie exhibitions. L’Art Mange l’Art (until October 31, 2019) has a wide range of contemporary works, all food-themed; there is some witty photography (eg behind the scenes in restaurants) and …

READ MORE  For MPG2019 Musée Regards de Provence Delivers Food Art
Renovating Provence Water
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Renovating in Provence When the Water Stopped

By Vaucluse Dreamer: By the start of November, our little place was in a state of chaos in readiness for the work to start. The rooms were piled high with relocated furniture & building supplies and Andy had laid new Travertine floors throughout the 2 main spaces upstairs that would …

READ MORE  Renovating in Provence When the Water Stopped
Dinner Party Apple Tarts
David Scott AllenDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Dinner Party: Apple Tarts – Tartes aux Pommes

Admittedly, not everyone can manage a weekday dinner party with an hour (maximum) to prepare the meal before your guests arrive, but I like that sort of challenge. However, to be able to pull it off, you need to be organized. After many years of entertaining, there are several tips …

READ MORE  Dinner Party: Apple Tarts – Tartes aux Pommes
Hot Air Ballooning Provence
Ashley TinkerExplore

Up Up and Away Hot Air Ballooning in Provence

Hot Air Ballooning in Provence A couple months ago we were invited on a hot air balloon ride with AeroProvence. I think Tom, the owner, felt obligated with my enthusiastic likes and comments on all his Instagram posts of fields and fields of lavender. Experiencing a ride in a hot …

READ MORE  Up Up and Away Hot Air Ballooning in Provence