My French Country Home Magazine
Guest PostMaison Mirabeau WinesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

The Road to Rosé – My French Country Home Magazine

Provence Living Feature The Road to Rosé with text by Jeany Cronk of Mirabeau Wine and photos by Sophie Bellard was published in the July/August 2019 edition of My French Country Home – Magazine. The article (below) is reproduced with the permission of Sharon Santoni, the creator of this beautiful magazine. …

READ MORE  The Road to Rosé – My French Country Home Magazine
Adventures Camargue Kids
ExploreLaura SnoekVillages Towns and Cities

Wild West Adventures in the Camargue with Kids

Provence’s Wild West Beaches, black bulls, ancient fortresses, and pink flamingos, the Camargue is like the Wild West of the South of France. The Camargue is a great place to spend your holidays. It feels less explored and lies between the Cote d’Azur and the Languedoc-Roussillon regions. The Camargue is …

READ MORE  Wild West Adventures in the Camargue with Kids
Fall Dinner Party Friends Provence Alberta 2019
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Fall Dinner Party For Friends Provence Meets Alberta

Friends for Dinner This summer in Paris, dogs, kids and adults cooled-off by splashing around in the Trocadero fountain – Fontaine de Varsovie – during la canicule (heatwave). On June 26th, a record-setting 46 °C baked the town of Vérargues, in l’Hérault. After a hot summer in Provence, much of Europe, …

READ MORE  Fall Dinner Party For Friends Provence Meets Alberta
Drinking Rosé Restaurants
Elizabeth GabayTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Drinking Rosé in Restaurants is it Just a Passing Trend?

I am often asked how I see rosé developing. Is it just a fashion? Will the market soon become bored of neutral pale pink ‘lifestyle’ wines, drunk icy cold by the pool and move on to something else? My answer is yes … Pinot Grigio, simple rosé – both styles …

READ MORE  Drinking Rosé in Restaurants is it Just a Passing Trend?
Riviera Dreaming by Maureen Emerson
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Book Review: Riviera Dreaming by Maureen Emerson

Maureen Emerson and her husband spent in the South of France for 22 years. Although, that had not been their original plan. Born in Britain, Maureen has travelled extensively and lived on several continents. They are settled back in the United Kingdom. However, she says that she misses friends in …

READ MORE  Book Review: Riviera Dreaming by Maureen Emerson
Lourmarin Shopping Rose Bagatelle
Caroline LongstaffeInspireShopping & Gifts

Lourmarin Shopping at Rose de Bagatelle

By Caroline Longstaffe: Lourmarin Shopping It’s a small world’, maybe an overused cliché…… Yet things often happen to me, fine gossamer strands weaving connections to my life in California and very often Provence. These invisible threads do indeed shrink my world, just like this story about the charming owner of …

READ MORE  Lourmarin Shopping at Rose de Bagatelle
Discovering Provencal Pottery Traditions Locations
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Discovering Provencal Pottery a Traditional Artisan Craft

Marie-Helene Beroit searches for small-batch handcrafted made-in-Provence goods for home decor and table settings. She selects only top-quality products and true artisans who are maintaining traditional crafts. The following article is a re-post of the original from Remember Provence on discovering Provencal pottery and ceramics creators in centres such as …

READ MORE  Discovering Provencal Pottery a Traditional Artisan Craft
Plum Tart Dessert Plum Streusel
David Scott AllenDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Make this Plum Tart for Dessert

Good news, plums are healthy, full of vitamins and low in calories. However, since I cannot resist buying the fresh plums and apricots at the farmers market, it was time to make something with all the fruit. Enjoy this plum tart.

READ MORE  Make this Plum Tart for Dessert
Provence Legends Tarasque Monster Tarascon
ExploreMargo LestzVillages Towns and Cities

Tarascon Fêtes de la Tarasque Festival for the Fun of It

Fêtes de la Tarasque Don’t miss this quirky Provencal festival. There are dragons in the streets and much more to entertain all ages. We were preparing to leave Nice and fly back to London. And, just out of curiosity, I had a peek at what was going on in Provence. …

READ MORE  Tarascon Fêtes de la Tarasque Festival for the Fun of It
Provencal Ratatouille Recipe Traditional Terracotta Casserole Pottery
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Provençal Ratatouille a Traditional Recipe

The traditional ratatouille recipe wants the vegetables to be brown in olive oil in a frying pan, each one separately. Do not peel them at all. All the vegetables are cooked with their skin to preserve a maximum of taste. Then, they will be mixed and will confit together in an earthenware casserole.

READ MORE  Provençal Ratatouille a Traditional Recipe