Musee Reattu Arles photography exhibitions
Guest PostInspirePhotographers in Provence

International Photography Exhibitions in Provence Head over to Arles

There are quite a few photography exhibitions on in Provence right now….let’s head west first to the ones in Arles. The Musée Reattu, which is building a formidable collection of photography is currently exhibiting ‘Anatomie du Paysage‘, 130 natural or urban landscapes from some well-known photographers. This museum is in …

READ MORE  International Photography Exhibitions in Provence Head over to Arles
Ai Weiwei Ryui Path Chateau La Coste Provence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Plan to Visit the Artist Ai Weiwei Installation at Chateau La Coste

Ai Weiwei has a permanent installation at Chateau La Coste. It’s entitled Ruyi Path after the ceremonial sceptre, which symbolizes power and good fortune in Chinese history. The artist has followed the shape of the sceptre to create a new pathway that weaves between the forest trees at Château La …

READ MORE  Plan to Visit the Artist Ai Weiwei Installation at Chateau La Coste
Mont Ventoux Sign
ExploreGuest PostStay Fit

What Happened to the Famous Sign at the Top of Mont Ventoux?

According to le fils who cycles up there regularly, the Mont Ventoux sign has been taken before, and has been replaced, each time with different heights recorded.  The most recent height (see the photo) of 1911m The “Ventouman” who has summited this mountain more times than there are days in …

READ MORE  What Happened to the Famous Sign at the Top of Mont Ventoux?
Historical Marseille Photos Vieux Port
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Discover Historical Marseille – What Lies Beneath Ground?

The tourists sitting in the sun outside cafés in the Place aux Huiles and the Cours Estienne d’Orves probably don’t realise that they are perched above an ancient system of canals that dates back at least to Roman times. I am indebted to the website ‘Made in Marseille’ for the …

READ MORE  Discover Historical Marseille – What Lies Beneath Ground?
Aix en Provence Carnaval
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix-en-Provence Carnaval Scheduled for Sunday April 30th

An unmissable event for your calendar. For the past few years, Aix-en-Provence has been investing a lot in its traditional Carnaval, bringing in creative companies to headline the event. Local associations and schools interpret the theme with gusto and the school kids really get into the swing

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence Carnaval Scheduled for Sunday April 30th
A New French Riviera Garden Festival
French Decor & GardensGuest PostInspire

A New French Riviera Garden Festival

The ‘Festival des Jardins de la Cote d’Azur’ looks to be an interesting new venture. It runs every day from 1 April to 1 May in Nice, Cannes, Grasse, Antibes, and Menton. There are two sections to this festival. The first will be 10 gardens specially created in open spaces …

READ MORE  A New French Riviera Garden Festival
Restaurant in Aix en Provence La table de Saisons
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

La Table des Saisons in Aix-en-Provence a Haven of Peace and Quality

It’s been a while since we’ve visited La Table des Saisons, so we were happy on a recent visit to find the same high standards of quality that this young couple has insisted on since week one back in December 2013. The chef is Lionel who has 20 years’ experience …

READ MORE  La Table des Saisons in Aix-en-Provence a Haven of Peace and Quality
Musee Bonnard
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Musée Bonnard – so much activity!

Pierre Bonnard loved his home at Le Cannet. He painted his wife Marthe in the bath, the cats in the dining room, the splendid colours of his garden, and, naturally, his view of the sparkling Mediterranean. Le Cannet now has the world’s only museum dedicated to the artist. The current …

READ MORE  Musée Bonnard – so much activity!
Art Expo in Provence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Spring in Provence and New Art – is on its way

New shows open in Arles and at the Carrières de Lumières at Les Baux at the beginning of March. Starting with the Fondation Van Gogh, it is a pleasure to see that they will have 8 of his paintings on show, starting 4th March. ‘Calm and Exultation, Van Gogh in …

READ MORE  Spring in Provence and New Art – is on its way
Village of Gardanne painted by Paul Cezanne
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Reasons Why You Should Plan a Visit to Gardanne

I have to confess driving round/past/through Gardanne several times but never stopping to have a look round. We did, this week, and found it interesting. It wasn’t a good start as the tourist office was shut. We had checked the opening hours on the website but when we got there, …

READ MORE  Reasons Why You Should Plan a Visit to Gardanne