Provence Home Renovation
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Living in Provence Let the Home Renovation Begin

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: It’s well over 2 years now since we finally picked up the keys and opened the door to our little house in Provence after so many years of dreaming about it. We couldn’t afford a perfect house with elegant gardens and a pretty pool and …

READ MORE  Living in Provence Let the Home Renovation Begin
Ritual Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvencePaula Kane

Getting Back into the Ritual of Provence

Contributor blog post by Paula Kane: I have a system, and for a decade it’s been running like clockwork. It’s an excellent plan, and one I am rather attached to. I look forward to it, like a ritual.  Although some people think I am a bit of a gypsy and rather …

READ MORE  Getting Back into the Ritual of Provence
Driving France Tips French Roads
Expat Living and Real EstateJemma - French LessonsLiving in Provence

Driving in France Tips for French Roads

French Lessons welcomes Rachael for the second year running as our annual guest contributor. Last summer, she explained how she dealt with her impounded car at the local fourrière (pound). This year her automotive theme continues, as does her – ahem – fast wit. A few months ago, I was …

READ MORE  Driving in France Tips for French Roads
Import Car Provence France
Expat Living and Real EstateGuest PostLiving in Provence

How to Import your Car and Household Goods into Provence

EU Imports Need to Know As a fully-fledged member of the European Union, it’s fair to say that the economy of France has benefitted considerably from the freedom of movement and continued migration. France is an attractive location for individuals looking to work or live in, one of the EU’s …

READ MORE  How to Import your Car and Household Goods into Provence
Author Patricia Sands Photographer
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Author Patricia Sands Has a Fatal Attraction to Provence

One of my summer highlights is the chance to catch up with author Patricia Sands during her annual visit to Provence. Sands is a remarkable person. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, photographer and a possiblitarian. Yes, for Patricia Sands, it is possible to achieve anything in life if …

READ MORE  Author Patricia Sands Has a Fatal Attraction to Provence
Aix-en-Provence Roadworks Building
Expat Living and Real EstateGuest PostLiving in Provence

Aix-en-Provence Roadworks Building for the Future

The town is at a perfect storm of roadworks right now, according to La Provence, (le chantier est a pleine puisssance) but they say that things should start to improve from here on. Work on the 7.2km Aixpress bus-route is taking place along its full length, the restructuring and pedestrianisation of …

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence Roadworks Building for the Future
Sète Seashore Provencal Lifestyle Retirement Adventure Deborah Bine Barefoot Blogger
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLiving in Provence

Choosing the Provencal Lifestyle to Embark on a Retirement Adventure

Deborah Bine spent her childhood in Charlotte, North Carolina dreaming of “faraway places” (her words). Her early travels included visiting her Aunt Rose in exhilarating Manhattan. “Aunt Rose owned New York — or so this sixteen-year-old ingénue from the Carolinas assumed.” On this voyage, Deborah learned some travel lessons that …

READ MORE  Choosing the Provencal Lifestyle to Embark on a Retirement Adventure
Life in France Demonstrations and Strikes
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceMargo Lestz

Life in France Demonstrations, Strikes, and Bossnappings

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: It’s springtime in France, and it’s also strike time. I’m just setting off on a trip across the country by train and I’ve had to adjust my travel dates because of the rail strikes – at least they put out a schedule. This spring/summer the …

READ MORE  Life in France Demonstrations, Strikes, and Bossnappings
Expat Living Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Expat Living: How Another Year in Provence Flies By

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: This time last year I was writing about our first year in Provence, borrowing the title from Peter Mayle, who so sadly died earlier this year, having fuelled the dreams of so many people over the years (ourselves included) with his wonderful stories of life …

READ MORE  Expat Living: How Another Year in Provence Flies By
Expat Living Experiences Provence Bicycle Deborah Lawrenson
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Expat Living Experiences in Provence by Author Deborah Lawrenson

Born in the United Kingdom (UK) to parents who worked in the diplomatic service, Deborah Lawrenson spent much of her childhood moving around the world to China, Kuwait, Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg) and Singapore. After completing English studies at Cambridge University, Lawrenson worked as a journalist in London. Today, she …

READ MORE  Expat Living Experiences in Provence by Author Deborah Lawrenson