Barefoot BloggerExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

French Healthcare Information for Travellers and Expats

French Healthcare Information

One of the most asked questions for this American expat in France is about healthcare. “What do you do about healthcare when moving to France?”

The simple reply is “travellers insurance.” The answer you really want to know is “don’t worry about it.”

I couldn’t be more serious. If you’re going to be insured or sick, you couldn’t find a better place to do it than France. Yes, you can take it from one who knows. I’ve just completed a 10-week stint going through an emergency operation, hospitalization and rehab hospitalization in the South of France.

…Continue reading here for the contributor blog post by Barefoot Blogger. In September 2018 she was badly injured in Aigues Mortes. This was truly an accident, Deborah stumbled falling to the pavement resulting in a terrible hip and shoulder fracture. Read about the details of her hospital stay at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes (CHU), subsequent medical care and ongoing rehab.

The cost of Deborah’s emergency surgery in Nîmes was nothing – zero $. Billing for subsequent healthcare needs is at a fair rate. Read: cheap by American standards. And, the quality of treatment is high. The moral is to make certain to have valid travel insurance whether you are a visitor or planning to live in France for a period of time.


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Deborah Bine

The Barefoot Blogger, aka Deborah Bine, loves to share tales of her solo life in France as an American expat who speaks no French. Retired from a career in advertising and marketing communications, and divorced after a 40-year marriage with children, Deborah left Beaufort, South Carolina and all of her belongings last year to move to the south of France. Now that she has found her "bliss," her passion is to encourage others to break away from whatever is holding them back and to go after their dreams. "We're on life's journey alone. Be certain you love where you are."

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