Eclats Photography
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Eclats…Abstract Photography at Aix Tourist Office

‘Eclats’…translates as glitter, sparkle, brilliance, radiance, and so a good name for this unusual photographic exhibition by a Puyricard-based group. It’s unusual because they have taken the works of Cézanne and used them as a starting point for abstract photos: for instance, they have isolated the brush-strokes making up the …

READ MORE  Eclats…Abstract Photography at Aix Tourist Office
Queen Yolande
Books on ProvenceGuest Post

Meeting Good King René’s Mum

Rubbing shoulders with royalty last evening…but actually to find out more about Queen Yolande, the subject of a book and talk by HRH Princess Michael of Kent. Born in 1380 to the king of Aragon, Yolande was married to the Louis II of the house of Anjou, and ruler.

READ MORE  Meeting Good King René’s Mum
Roman Aix-en-Provence
Guest PostProvencal History & Traditions

Spotlight on Roman Aix

Virtually every time there are ‘travaux‘ in Aix, the archaeologists who precede the bulldozers unearth Roman pottery, statues, funeral urns, drainage systems and stretches of road. Over the years there have been small displays, but the next exhibition at the Musée Granet.

READ MORE  Spotlight on Roman Aix
Fete de la Courge
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Fete de la Courge in Rians

Next weekend (11th and 12th October) sees the annual Fete de la Courge in Rians in the Var, and it is one of my favourite village festivals: mainly as it is so very un-English. It is an excellent opportunity to see a work-a-day Provencal village, totally non-touristy, celebrating local produce.

READ MORE  Fete de la Courge in Rians
Guest PostInspire

Apero Arty in Aix-en-Provence

What a great painting. I’ve never heard of James Cochran but can’t wait to get myself along to La Galerie Maison Dauphine to see this new expo, ‘Au Coeur de la Rue’. Tucked away in the Quartier Mazarin, this is an innovative gallery. The show is on until October 18th.

READ MORE  Apero Arty in Aix-en-Provence
ExploreGuest PostStay Fit

Water Cycling in Marseille

Have you ever cycled in a boat? Through a shopping centre, hospital or station? Thought not. Your chance comes on Sunday 5th October with the 5th annual Vélotour which sounds like the best fun.

READ MORE  Water Cycling in Marseille
Guest PostGuided Holiday ToursWines and Spirits of Provence

Exploring Local Vineyards: Useful Press Kit and a One-day Rally

Saturday 20th September is the deadline for enrolling for the Sainte-Victoire Wine Rally which is great fun. But just before I post details of that, here is something interesting that I have just found which should appeal to wine-lovers in Aix.

READ MORE  Exploring Local Vineyards: Useful Press Kit and a One-day Rally