Street Art Marseille Provence
ExploreGinger and Nutmeg

ABCs of Street Art in Provence and Around the World

Nutmeg has long held a fascination for street art and its covert, daring, brash, temporary, loud, in-your-face style of self-expression. So far removed from stuffy galleries and permanent, curated collections. Nutmeg compiled an ABC list of street art terms in order to understand this open-air pursuit and top places for …

READ MORE  ABCs of Street Art in Provence and Around the World
Must See Uzes #Uzes #TravelTips @GingerandNutmeg
ExploreGinger and NutmegRoad Trips South of France

Returning to Visit to Must See Uzes

  The group emails started well before Christmas… Would Nutmeg be interested in a girl’s getaway to Uzès? Seriously? As if, anyone needs to escape Provence. Yes! The proposed itinerary was to include a short visit to Uzès in the Gard. Many visitors who venture westward in Provence to see …

READ MORE  Returning to Visit to Must See Uzes
Bouillabaisse Terrine Terrine De BouilleAbaisse #GeraldPassedat (c) RichardHaughton
Provencal RecipesStarter CourseTaste

Recipe for Bouillabaisse Terrine by Gérald Passedat

recipe for Bouillabaisse Terrine is from Gérald Passedat’s new cookbook Flavors From The French Mediterranean. This master chef turns this Provencal seafood dish – originally a fisherman’s meal made with the unsold fish parts – into a beautiful new variation on the dish.

READ MORE  Recipe for Bouillabaisse Terrine by Gérald Passedat
View #Gordes Hotel Petit Palais d'Aglae @petitpalaisdaglae
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottHotels Provence & Cote d'AzurStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Le Petit Palais d’Aglaé Gordes New Boutique Hotel

Cantilevered to a Luberon hillside are the striking remains of an ancient oppidum and its defensive dry-stone walls; Gordes can rightly boast about its ranking among les Plus Beaux Villages de France. However, at the height of Provence’s tourist season this town, with its single thoroughfare, becomes a ghastly traffic …

READ MORE  Le Petit Palais d’Aglaé Gordes New Boutique Hotel
Art in Place Massena @margo_lestz
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Curious Histories of Nice by Margo Lestz

The funny thing about life and travel is that we are often more curious about a new environment than our status-quo location. According to Margo Lestz, “Life in a foreign country is never dull and each day is a new learning experience.” She launched her blog The Curious Rambler in 2012 …

READ MORE  Curious Histories of Nice by Margo Lestz
Jam Un Jour a la Campagne @IsabellaIbba
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTaste

Jam for is Not Just for Breakfast in Provence

Isabelle Jouhanneau makes her Un Jour à la Campagne jams the traditional way; in copper pots with fresh ingredients and no additives. Originally from the Alpes de Haute Provence, she is now settled in the Luberon close to Bonnieux. Jouhanneau spent some time in Morocco, where she ran a tea shop, and …

READ MORE  Jam for is Not Just for Breakfast in Provence
Musee des Aromes #Gravason @GingerandNutmeg
Ginger and NutmegInspireShopping & Gifts

The Perfume and Candles of Provence

Does that sound romantic? Actually, Ginger was away in Canada and Nutmeg was certain that he had zero interest in visiting the Provence perfume distillery le Musée des Arômes or the candle maker at the Ciergerie de l’abbaye des Prémontrés. The aroma museum is located in the Provencal town of Gravason, …

READ MORE  The Perfume and Candles of Provence
Crespeou Classic Provencal Recipe
Ginger and NutmegLunchtime MealsProvencal RecipesTaste

Crespeou a Classic Provencal Recipe for Picnics

Crespeou (pronounced cres-PAY-oo) means crêpe in Provencal is also called Gâteau d’Omelettes. This is a traditional Provencal recipe, which is often found in picnic hampers

READ MORE  Crespeou a Classic Provencal Recipe for Picnics
Stuffed Squid Recipe @PerfProvence
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Spinach Stuffed Squid

She was surprised how easy it is to clean and prepare the squid. If you are unsure you can always ask your fishmonger to do the hard work for you. This recipe is actually very easy despite the many steps.

READ MORE  Recipe for Spinach Stuffed Squid
Gout et Voyage Luberon Weekend Travel Tips
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

How to Spend a Luberon Weekend in Goût et Voyage Style

Martine Bertin-Peterson is intrepid; she had a window of 90 minutes of “downtime” between her back-to-back tour groups, yet she agreed to meet me for a glass of rosé. Beneath the walls of the immense Palais des Papes in Avignon, we chatted about her food and wine excursions in Provence. …

READ MORE  How to Spend a Luberon Weekend in Goût et Voyage Style