Warm Salad Nicoise a Recipe from Provence
In Nice, where this main course salad gets its name no chef would ever dream of serving a Warm Salad Nicoise.
However, in my part of Provence, the dish is perfect when the weather isn’t. The ingredients (tuna, olives, eggs, peppers and anchovies) are the same as the traditional cold version of this salad, and I serve it at a warmer temperature. The recipe below is in French and English.

Warm Salad Nicoise from Provence
- 340 g (1 cup) haricots verts Green Beans
- 340 g (1 cup) Tomates Tomatoes
- 1 bocal (jar) Poivrons Grillés Grilled Peppers
- 1 boite (can) Thon à l’Huile Tuna in oil
- 2 Oeufs Eggs
- 1-2 Ail Garlic Cloves
- Anchois à l’huile Anchovies in oil
- 12-16 Olives Noires Black Olives
- fresh basil Fresh Basil
- Huile d’Olive Olive Oil
- Sel et du Poivre noir en grain Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper
- Faire cuire les haricots verts à la vapeur, pas trop longtemps, qu’ils restent verts et croquants. (Steam the green beans for a few minutes, but not too long you want them to remain crunchy)
- Sur une plaque huilée, sur laquelle on déposé de l’ail émincé, mélanger les haricots verts, les tomates en morceaux et les poivrons grillés. Ajouter le thon, les olives; et si nécessaire, un peu d’huile d’olive. (Use a large skillet or if you have one a griddle. Grease the surface with olive oil and fry the sliced garlic, tomatoes, green beans and grilled peppers. Add the tuna, if required add more oil to your pan.)
- Casser les oeufs dans des ramequins, avec du sel, du poivre et un peu d’huile d’olive. Poser les ramequins sur la plaque. (Break the eggs into small ramquins. Add oil, salt & pepper and place on the griddle to cook.)
- Mettre à cuire/rôtir une dizaine de minutes. Ajouter au dernier moment du basilic. Si c’est du basilic citron, c’est encore meilleur. (Allow the ingredients to cook 10 minutes. Add the chopped basil at the last moment. If you have lemon basil it's even tastier.)
- Servir tiède. (Serve warm.)
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