Guest PostTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Walk and Wine Taste in Provence 2 Wine Country Strolls in June

If you are lucky enough to be in Provence at the beginning of June, the wine-interested gourmet must not miss two wine tours! After attending these several times, we recommend both. Here are some details on the two events: 

June 2: Les Balades Gourmands par les Vignerons des Côtes de Provence Pierrefeu is a six-kilometre (6 km) walk starting at Château de la Gordonne, just west of the village of Pierrefeu-du Var. You must reserve your preferred time via the event website.

Les Balades Gourmands par les Vignerons des Côtes de Provence Pierrefeu

June 7 – 9: Les Escapades des Vins de Bandol is taking place for the 12th time. It is a five-kilometre walk, and the host vineyard is Domaine de la Garenne, south of the village of Cadière-d’Azur in Bandol. A reservation is required via the event website.

Les Escapades des Vins de Bandol

In both cases, you walk a few kilometres through beautiful wineries where small bunches of grapes have already formed on the vines and along the walk. There are stations where you can try the appellation’s wines together with food prepared by the area’s chefs and cheese at the end. Wines in all three colours are available to try and there are so many wine producers and wines that you will struggle if you want to try them all! Please click here for the original article.

Guest Writer:

Göran Boman, the author of The Wines of Provence – Tricolour, is based in Sweden, far from Provence’s vineyards. His studies at Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology led to a career with large international companies. Before retiring, Göran monitored the quality of nuclear fuel transmitted from EDF France to Sweden.

About 25 years ago, he joined Munskänkarna (“Cup-bearers”) for wine tastings and education. The association is the world’s largest non-commercial wine-tasting group with 30,000 members, mainly in Sweden and Provence.

If you love Provencal wines, his book should be an essential reference guide. In his book, Göran Boman covers 58 wine producers and recommends 338 wines, not just rosé wines. Use the book as a guide to discovering these wines and their producers. His goal is to deepen your knowledge of everything worth knowing about the wines of Provence.

Guide: Provence Wine Regions and Vineyards

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