Thursday Markets Vaucluse
Julie WhitmarshMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Thursday Markets in Provence Another Reason to Cycle in the Vaucluse

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: I like Thursdays for many reasons. Not only is it nearly the weekend, or a chance for yoga both in the U.K. and here in France, but there’s also a good handful of Thursday markets to choose from in the Vaucluse. There’s the lovely …

READ MORE  Thursday Markets in Provence Another Reason to Cycle in the Vaucluse
Vaucluse Cycle Provence
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

A Vaucluse Cycle the Perfect Way to Awaken the Senses in Provence

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Having arrived late on Monday night after a particularly stressful trip down I woke early yesterday and simply sat on the terrace like a lizard, being warmed by the sun, at the start of what was destined to be another stunning day. Yes there …

READ MORE  A Vaucluse Cycle the Perfect Way to Awaken the Senses in Provence
Bedoin Village in the Vaucluse
Cheryl ShufflebothamExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Visit the Charismatic Provencal Village of Bedoin

Bedoin is a village, in the Vaucluse, that grows on you. At first it may not appear to be as polished or refined as some of the other popular villages in the area. But give it a chance. Wander the streets and enjoy the atmosphere, the frenzy of excitement as …

READ MORE  Visit the Charismatic Provencal Village of Bedoin
Vaucluse Travel Tips

Springtime in the Vaucluse

Here is a useful link for ideas of outings in the Vaucluse. It covers vineyards, bike-hire and cycle routes, antiques fairs and also has details of discounts and promotions for accommodation.

READ MORE  Springtime in the Vaucluse
French Bistro meals and fries
Cheryl ShufflebothamRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Luberon Restaurants: Sometimes It’s All About the Frites!

The truth is it doesn’t cost much to eat like a king in France. Though there are many Michelin-starred restaurants and fantastic dining experiences to be had, often it’s the simple café and bistro food that’s the best. The scrumptious buttery omelettes, the quiche, the crêpes, the freshest of salads—of …

READ MORE  Luberon Restaurants: Sometimes It’s All About the Frites!
Cycling in Provence @Vauclusedreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

Cycling in Provence – Through the Vineyards of the Luberon

When I packed my cycle kit to come over this time, I put in enough layers to keep me warm in the expected arctic temperatures, hoping to snatch a few precious moments out on the bike before dashing home to thaw out in front of the fire. I think, in …

READ MORE  Cycling in Provence – Through the Vineyards of the Luberon
Saint Saturnin View by VaucluseDreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

A Colourful Circular Winter Walk In Provence

I’ve mentioned before that Winter is a great time to visit Provence – of course, it can be frigid, thanks to the clear night skies and subsequent frosts, but the days can be stunning with bright blue skies, little or no breeze and the fantastic light that cheers you up …

READ MORE  A Colourful Circular Winter Walk In Provence
Vide Greniers @VaucluseDreamer
InspireJulie WhitmarshShopping & Gifts

Sunday Morning Antiques Hunting in the Vaucluse

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: If Saturday is a day for the local market then Sunday has become a day to spend the morning pottering around a local Brocante market or village ‘Vide Greniers’ event. In the summer, we often found that we had to make a choice between …

READ MORE  Sunday Morning Antiques Hunting in the Vaucluse
Venasque #Luberon @CobblestonesandVineyards
Cheryl ShufflebothamRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Venasque a Village With a Views of Mont Ventoux and Lunch

Overlooking the towering Mont Ventoux is the sleepy plus beau village of Venasque with its fountains, charming walkways, artisan shops, ancient ruins and ramparts, cherry orchards, and stunning views of the Vaucluse as well as of the Giant itself. Read Cobblestones and Vineyards for photos of Venasque, a gorgeous perched village …

READ MORE  Venasque a Village With a Views of Mont Ventoux and Lunch
Vaucluse views of Mont Ventoux @VaucluseDreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshRoad Trips South of France

A 3-day Taster Trip to the Vaucluse

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Where do I start? This last week has been lovely – the house has been full (a great test of the temporary fabric walls & open plan bathroom!) Not only has my eldest son been visiting with his girlfriend, but also my mum, so …

READ MORE  A 3-day Taster Trip to the Vaucluse