Sites Saint Paul de Vence
ExploreLaura SnoekVillages Towns and Cities

Exploring the Tastes and Sites of Saint Paul de Vence

Saint Paul de Vence is a beautiful medieval town in the South of France, close to Nice. It has nice narrow streets, terraces, restaurants and breathtaking views of the surrounding area. We loved walking around in this picturesque place! The main square of the town is just outside of the …

READ MORE  Exploring the Tastes and Sites of Saint Paul de Vence
Saint Rémy de Provence Fête du Vin
Gayle PadgettTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Beyond Vin at the Saint Rémy de Provence Fête du Vin

Swirl-sniff-see-sip. And, sigh. There was a lot of that going on last Friday night in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence—it was the opening of the annual Fête du Vin. Fête du Vin – More than Wine The bussed-in tourists had left, leaving lucky locals and overnight visitors all to themselves to spend a leisurely …

READ MORE  Beyond Vin at the Saint Rémy de Provence Fête du Vin
Aix-en-Provence City Guide Mont Sainte Victoire Views
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Aix-en-Provence City Guide – Unearthing the Treasures

This article was originally published in Global Living Magazine (December 2012), details and contact information have been updated. Historic Aix-en-Provence Magnetic Aix-en-Provence is one of the wealthier cities in France, with a long history of civilisation and an impressive roster of distinguished inhabitants. This city guide only begins to scratch the …

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence City Guide – Unearthing the Treasures
Visiting Côte d'Azur
Ashley TinkerExplore

Travel Tips for Visiting the Côte d’Azur a Guest Post by Author Jane Dunning

By Jane Dunning for Curious Provence: Visiting the Côte d’Azur I’ve stayed in over twenty places in Provence, from Menton in the east to Cassis in the west and Orange in the north and, I confess, it’s my favourite region in the whole of France. It’s also the setting for …

READ MORE  Travel Tips for Visiting the Côte d’Azur a Guest Post by Author Jane Dunning
Provence's Instagrammable Locations Charming Villages Saignon Provence
ExploreGuest Post

Provence’s Most Instagrammable Locations and Attractions

The Most Instagrammable Spots in Provence France may be the most visited country in the world, with the region of Provence falling in only second to Paris, but it remains a tricky task to discover some of its hidden treasures. Anyone who has ever had any inclination towards finding the …

READ MORE  Provence’s Most Instagrammable Locations and Attractions
Pope's Palace Avignon
ExploreOur House in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Must Visit the Pope’s Palace in Avignon France

I have ignored my blog for far too long. Busy at work and projects at home, so I never seem to find quiet time to share adventures with you. So here I am. I hope to be here more frequently from now on. As followers of the “Our House in …

READ MORE  Must Visit the Pope’s Palace in Avignon France
Weekend Marseille Vieux Port History
Barefoot BloggerExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Weekend in Marseilles Discovering its Stormy Past and Brilliant Future.

A recent weekend in Marseille turned my perception of the city inside out. Now I can’t wait to return. I’ll admit, a weekend in Marseille was not at the top of my travel list. Even though it’s less than two hours away from Uzés. It’s surely because I’ve watched too …

READ MORE  Weekend in Marseilles Discovering its Stormy Past and Brilliant Future.
Visit Marseille le Panier @Barefootblogger
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Reason to Visit Marseille for the Doors and Windows

After my first true visit to Marseille, I can’t say enough good things about the city. While I’m composing my thoughts for a post on the long weekend, I want to share some highlights: the doors and windows of Marseille. Marseille, the second largest city in France, is one of …

READ MORE  Reason to Visit Marseille for the Doors and Windows
Beautiful Nice Promenade des Anglais Paul Shawcross
ExploreLocals Travel TipsPaul Shawcross

Nissa la Bella – Paul Shawcross favourite places in beautiful Nice

Must-See Nice Fabulous Nice lies along the shores of Baie des Anges at the eastern end of Provence, on what English speakers call the French Riviera but which the French know as the Côte d’Azur.  The English aristocracy discovered its delights during the early Victorian era but the secret eventually …

READ MORE  Nissa la Bella – Paul Shawcross favourite places in beautiful Nice
Winter in Provence Travel tips @MirabeauWine
ExploreLocals Travel TipsMaison Mirabeau Wines

A List of Things to Do in Winter in Provence

Provence is synonymous with sunshine, lavender and rosé wine and can get a little hectic in the summer months (July and August). So, we’d like to share what we love about Provence the rest of the year, especially in winter! Firstly, it’s much calmer people-wise. The climate can also be …

READ MORE  A List of Things to Do in Winter in Provence