Best Markets in Provence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Velleron Night Market: Marché Producteur

Velleron night market is one of the best producer’s markets in Southern France. It has been continually included within the 100 “marchés d’exception” in France by the Conseil National des Arts Culinaires. The market is open daily, except Sunday of course, in the hot summer months and is very popular …

READ MORE  Velleron Night Market: Marché Producteur
Le Mag #AixenProvence @Aixcentric
ExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Planning Your Summer in Aix en Provence

The tourist office in Aix has come up with a very good 32-page digital magazine ‘Le Mag’ to help visitors this coming summer: there are details of events, music, markets, lavender fields tours, where to play golf, the Cézanne map, where to picnic and key products to try.

READ MORE  Planning Your Summer in Aix en Provence
Airshow in #Provence
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Massive Air Show at Istres

This doesn’t take place until June but, if you are into this kind of event, it might be worth putting on the calendar now. Dozens of planes will converge on the Istres Air Base for this show, which takes place every five years. There will be Mirage jets, drones, and …

READ MORE  Massive Air Show at Istres
Summer Lavender Village Festivals @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

August Village Festivals in Provence

This is most certainly the busiest month here in Provence while at the same time – oddly very calm as well. All the Northern French head to the sea and sun, as indicated by the stressful traffic reports radiating out of Paris, for a lengthy summer vacation. You really …Continue …

READ MORE  August Village Festivals in Provence
Cannes Summer 2015 @AccessRiviera
Rebecca WhitlockeWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Cannes Summer Programme 2015

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Cannes has many summer events and festivals happening so if you are in town as a tourist or you are a local looking to find out what’s happening in one place – read on! From classical concerts to dance parties on the beach, traditional …

READ MORE  Cannes Summer Programme 2015
Barefoot BloggerExploreLocals Travel Tips

The Simple Ways Tourists Make the Best of Hot Weather

For days the temperature has hovered around the ninety degree mark in Uzes. Next week, they say, it’ll hit ninety-nine. For those who live in hot-weather areas around the world, ninety degrees is not so bad for summer. In France, when it’s this hot, it breaks records. Century-old buildings with …

READ MORE  The Simple Ways Tourists Make the Best of Hot Weather
Uzes music festival #Uzes @bfblogger2015
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Hello Summer It’s Music Time in Uzes!

What better way to welcome in summer in Uzes than with music all around town? June 21st was the Fête de la musique à Uzès with music ranging from flamenco guitar to folk music, to rock. Stages were set up on street corner and plazas throughout the historic area with …

READ MORE  Hello Summer It’s Music Time in Uzes!
Blue Provence #Provence @DreamyProvence
ExploreMy Dreamy Provence

Into the blue of Provence…a hint of summer

Feels like the start of summer here in Provence……… the light is incredible……. translucent…… and the blue sky is electrifying!  The region has started to warm up.  It started in early May – the chill of the early morning and evening has gone making way for a soft warm feeling. …

READ MORE  Into the blue of Provence…a hint of summer