Luberon Dog Walk Abbaye de Senanque Gordes @Vauclusedreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

Luberon Dog Walk from the Abbaye de Senanque to Gordes

Having Millie, our Golden Retriever, with us in France this Winter has been lovely. Not only is it nice to have her company about the house, but it’s also meant that we have taken her on some delightful walks. Many are well-trodden routes that we have got to know well …

READ MORE  Luberon Dog Walk from the Abbaye de Senanque to Gordes
Picasso Provence Exhibits
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

There are Plenty of Picasso in Provence Exhibits on Right Now

Two exhibitions, both dedicated to Picasso, are now open in Marseille as part of the ‘Picasso-Méditerranée 2017-2019′ cultural programme. (These join the other Picasso-orientated shows, which I list further down this post.) ‘Picasso et Les Ballets Russes, entre Italie et Espagne’ focuses on four productions by Serge Diaghilev for which …

READ MORE  There are Plenty of Picasso in Provence Exhibits on Right Now
Mourre Nègre Hiking Luberon @VaucluseDreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

The Views from the Mourre Nègre are worth the Hike to the Top

One of the first things I fell in love with when I viewed the house for the first time was the kitchen window’s view. The Luberon Valley spread out in front of us with the constant sight of the tower on the highpoint of the Mourre Nègre directly ahead, even …

READ MORE  The Views from the Mourre Nègre are worth the Hike to the Top
Love as a Muse Musee Regard de Provence Sa Muse Affiche-Titre-Sa-Muse
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Sa Muse – Love as the Muse at Musee Regards de Provence

Just opened, and with perfect timing to catch the wave of ‘Quel Amour’, the new exhibition at Marseille’s Musée Regards de Provence illustrates the relationship between the artist and his or her muse. “The modern muse has this irresistible faculty to appeal to the artist and often to his heart, …

READ MORE  Sa Muse – Love as the Muse at Musee Regards de Provence
Canistrelli Corsican Cookies
Cakes & CookiesCarolyne Kauser-AbbottDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Sweet Canistrelli a Corsican Breakfast Tradition Coffee and Cookies

Sweet canistrelli cookies are a Corsican specialty, which are available in many different flavours. Although the recipe comes from Corsica the cookies are easy to find in Provence, from grocery stores, to markets to specialty shops.

READ MORE  Sweet Canistrelli a Corsican Breakfast Tradition Coffee and Cookies
Quel Amour MP2018
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Quel Amour Love is all around us…in Provence MP2018

The new ‘Quel Amour’ programme launched on February 14 and runs until September 1, 2018. This is the 7-month cultural extravaganza planned by the MP2018 committee who were inspired by the European Year of Culture back in 2013 which did so much to galvanise the arts scene in Marseille-Provence. Continue …

READ MORE  Quel Amour Love is all around us…in Provence MP2018
Eurostar TGV London Provence TGV EuroStar @VaucluseDreamer
ExploreJulie Whitmarsh

Take the Eurostar TGV Trip from Exeter to Avignon 4 cities in a Day

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: There’s something about travelling that is always a joy. Over the years we’ve come to enjoy the process of getting somewhere almost as much as the actual arrival. Even the 16hr solo drive that Andy tends to do has been much improved with Audible …

READ MORE  Take the Eurostar TGV Trip from Exeter to Avignon 4 cities in a Day
La Divine Comédie Avignon Luxury Suites
Bed & Breakfasts in ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Luxury Rooms in Avignon Stay at La Divine Comédie Private Suites and a Secret Garden

It took over 600 years to open this luxurious bed and breakfast in the heart of Avignon. La Divine Comédie is a jewel of a guest house with five suites and a magical garden, the successful outcome of the owners Amaury de Villoutreys and Gilles Jauffret’s vision. They purchased the …

READ MORE  Luxury Rooms in Avignon Stay at La Divine Comédie Private Suites and a Secret Garden
Hiking Viens @Vauclusedreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshStay Fit

Hiking and Hunting for Rhinos near Viens

One of the things we love about Provence is its wonderful wildlife and recently we’ve been lucky enough to watch ‘Sangliers’ foraging at the side of the road…….. Please excuse my photography! And have seen Vultures flying off the Petit Luberon and near Sault, but when it was suggested that …

READ MORE  Hiking and Hunting for Rhinos near Viens
Pablo Picasso, Le Baiser, 1925 Huile sur toile, 130 x 97,7 cm Musée national Picasso, Paris © Agence photo RMN-GP © Succession Picasso, 2017
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Picasso for Musée Granet Summer Show

Picasso’s work has been chosen to be the co-subject of the summer show at Aix’s Musée Granet. ‘Picasso/Picabia’ begins on at the Musée Granet in Aix-en-Provence on June 9th and runs through to 23rd September.  It promises to be an intriguing juxtaposition of two very different artists working in the south of France. …

READ MORE  Picasso for Musée Granet Summer Show