Visit Provence Beaux Villages Provence Villages Les Plus Beaux Villages de France Logo
Barefoot BloggerExploreVillages Towns and Cities

A Visit to Provence and Les Plus Beaux Villages de France

There’s a new obsession running around in my head: “visit as many of France’s ‘Les Plus Beaux Villages‘ as I possibly can.”  So far, I’ve seen only 10 out of some 156 “authentic” Les Plus Beaux Villages. I have a lot of travelling to do. Les Plus Beaux Villages There …

READ MORE  A Visit to Provence and Les Plus Beaux Villages de France
l’Auberge la Fenière Restaurant Dessert
Keith Van SickleRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Auberge la Fenière Where Gastronomy Meets Gluten-Free

When is the last time you said to yourself, “I could really go for a gluten-free meal”? That would probably be…never.  Who wants bread with the consistency of a hockey puck?  Or pasta that needs a mountain of sauce to make it edible?  And as for cakes and pies – …

READ MORE  Auberge la Fenière Where Gastronomy Meets Gluten-Free
Playing House Memoir
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Playing House in Provence a Memoir

Sometimes, a book’s title brings up old memories. Remember your first house? Sometime after college and into your career, all of a sudden you were no longer “playing house”. It was for real. The following is an excerpt from the book Playing House in Provence: How Two Americans Became a …

READ MORE  Playing House in Provence a Memoir
Provence Market Lifestyle Fashion Village Heart Scene
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

The Provence Market Provencal Lifestyle Inspired Fashion

Fashion: The Provence Market Michele and Jean-Marie are a husband and wife team with a vision, complementary work experiences and a passion for Provence. So why not leverage that textbook combination and create a new fashion brand – The Provence Market? As a traveller, one cannot help but feel that …

READ MORE  The Provence Market Provencal Lifestyle Inspired Fashion
Merry Christmas Perfectly Provence 2017
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Happy Holidays from Perfectly Provence

Wishing you a Perfectly Provence Holiday The holidays are here, and it’s time to wish everyone Merry Christmas – Joyeux Noël and all the best for a joyful season. However, before we head out on a little technology break, it’s time to acknowledge all our terrific contributors. Time Out in …

READ MORE  Happy Holidays from Perfectly Provence
South Luberon House Sale Pool
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

South Luberon House for Sale

Occasionally it’s time to say goodbye to a house. Even if it is one that you built yourselves and where all four (yes 4!) of your children grew-up. Recently, I was hiking with Agathe Forest of Live & Love Provence in the Alpilles. She shared that their family home was on the market so …

READ MORE  South Luberon House for Sale
Provencal Cuisine Top Books Food Lovers Cookbooks
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Explore Provencal Cuisine Top Books for Food Lovers

Joy of Cooking in Provence True confession: I am a committed foodie (although the grammar checker doesn’t seem to like the word). Maybe that admission will get me off the hook for being unable to delete thousands of photos of markets objectively. Over the years, we have taken many (did …

READ MORE  Explore Provencal Cuisine Top Books for Food Lovers
Provence Holiday Home Owner Pool shot les Vallons
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottRental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Provence Holiday Home Owner Shares Her Luberon Lifestyle

Diving into Provence Ten years after Peter Mayle’s book “A Year in Provence” was published, Georgina Causton and her partner decided to spend a sabbatical year (1999) in Provence. Completely enchanted by the lifestyle in the South of France they never returned to live in London. Suddenly, they found themselves …

READ MORE  Provence Holiday Home Owner Shares Her Luberon Lifestyle
Provence Guided Market Tours
Ashley TinkerExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Insider Provence Guided Market Tours with a Local

Sure the markets in Provence are tempting, but… Are you curious about in the ins and outs of working in a market in Provence? Do you want to taste the best Provencal ingredients and find out how they’re made? Would you like to eat breakfast at the market with the …

READ MORE  Insider Provence Guided Market Tours with a Local
Learn French Provence Programs FRANCI DISCENDUM
Expat Living and Real EstateGuest PostLearning French

Learn French in Provence Flexible Programs for Visitors and Expats

Learning a second language is never easy, and as a uni-lingual adult, the long “road” to mastering French is daunting. Even native French speakers agree that there are more exceptions to the language’s rules than necessary, and let’s not even begin to talk about verbs. Marina Depoorter is the founder …

READ MORE  Learn French in Provence Flexible Programs for Visitors and Expats