Provence Goût et Voyage Culinary Travel @goutetvoyage
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursMartine Bertin-Peterson

A Day in Provence with Goût et Voyage en Francais

A Day in Provence On a sunny late Spring morning, we gather on the terrace of our small, boutique hotel for breakfast. Over warm, freshly baked croissants, home-made jam, fresh fruit and local cheeses our group of six (6) contemplates the day’s itinerary. The topic of our French conversation this …

READ MORE  A Day in Provence with Goût et Voyage en Francais
Three Places Provence Visit Les Baux Les Quatres Saisons by Philip Haas1
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Three Places In Provence To Visit More Than Once

A Guest Post: Janice Chung is a retired school Principal from Toronto, Canada who travels to France frequently to discover new sights and experiences. Her blog, shares all types of unique experiences not always found in travel guides. She often writes about active activities in France and has participated in …

READ MORE  Three Places In Provence To Visit More Than Once
Goût et Voyage Culinary Travel
ExploreGuest PostGuided Holiday Tours

Goût et Voyage Culinary Travel by French Quarter Magazine

This article was previously published on the French Quarter Magazine website. “Interview with Goût et Voyage, Spotlight on Travel and Cooking” Tell us a bit about Goût et Voyage. Goût et Voyage creates lasting memories through French (and Italian) gourmet travel adventures. Martine Bertin-Peterson serves as the escort for all …

READ MORE  Goût et Voyage Culinary Travel by French Quarter Magazine
Family-Friendly Holiday Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Our Top Ideas for a Family-Friendly Holiday in Provence

Les Vacances! Holidays in Provence en Famille The trip is booked, finally a chance to spend some time in Provence with the family. However, you want this experience to be one that everyone (and every age) will remember with equal amounts of joy. Touring old Provencal villages in a hot …

READ MORE  Our Top Ideas for a Family-Friendly Holiday in Provence
Insiders Market Tour Provence Discovery
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Curious about the Markets in Provence? Take an Insider’s Tour

Curious Provence is the name of Ashley Tinker’s blog. It’s a great name as it combines her interests, she is naturally curious about her surroundings, and she lives in Provence. Ashley studied fine art, is a talented photographer, loves to cook and she still (more below) loves the markets in …

READ MORE  Curious about the Markets in Provence? Take an Insider’s Tour
Capturing Provencal Scenes Orchards Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Photography and Art Capturing Provencal Scenes in Keepsake Photos

Ashley Tinker is the photographer behind the beautiful (and popular) Curious Provence Instagram feed, she is also the creator and writer of the blog by the same name. Originally from Montreal, Canada, Ashley headed to Florence, Italy for fine art school. You can probably guess that for someone who is …

READ MORE  Photography and Art Capturing Provencal Scenes in Keepsake Photos
Locals parading traditional dress Provence Retirement Home Gayle Padgett
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Provence For Your Retirement Home: Gayle Padgett’s Expat Story

Mention Provence as a destination to your friends, and most people have either been and want to return or are dreaming of their first visit. Gayle Padgett and her husband “flirted” with Provence for two decades, often travelling during their vacation time from US government jobs in Germany. As their …

READ MORE  Provence For Your Retirement Home: Gayle Padgett’s Expat Story
Provence Guided Market Tours
Ashley TinkerExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Insider Provence Guided Market Tours with a Local

Sure the markets in Provence are tempting, but… Are you curious about in the ins and outs of working in a market in Provence? Do you want to taste the best Provencal ingredients and find out how they’re made? Would you like to eat breakfast at the market with the …

READ MORE  Insider Provence Guided Market Tours with a Local
Genuine Provence Experiences St Tropez fishing port – adjacent to the superyachts Jane Dunning
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Genuine Provence Experiences Inspire Author Jane Dunning to Keep Writing

Jane Dunning is addicted to France. “I’m a real Francophile and have stayed in more than one hundred towns, cities, villages and hamlets in France. Twenty-two of these have been in Provence, the shortest for one night, the longest for four months.” The Dunnings’ four-month stay was as acting caretakers …

READ MORE  Genuine Provence Experiences Inspire Author Jane Dunning to Keep Writing
Winter in Provence Travel tips @MirabeauWine
ExploreLocals Travel TipsMaison Mirabeau Wines

A List of Things to Do in Winter in Provence

Provence is synonymous with sunshine, lavender and rosé wine and can get a little hectic in the summer months (July and August). So, we’d like to share what we love about Provence the rest of the year, especially in winter! Firstly, it’s much calmer people-wise. The climate can also be …

READ MORE  A List of Things to Do in Winter in Provence