Mary Magdalene Provence Tintoretto public domain
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

Mary Magdalene in Provence Legend or Fact

Did Mary Magdalene Live in Provence? A crippled ship bobs helplessly on a storm-tossed sea and those on board face certain death…but then a miracle occurs. Guided by the hand of God, the ship arrives safely on the shores Provence. Out steps Mary Magdalene, ready to spread The Word throughout …

READ MORE  Mary Magdalene in Provence Legend or Fact
March Events Provence 2019
Ashley TinkerInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

What’s On March Events in Provence 2019

Spring is Upon us! Or, at least, it is here. The almonds are blooming and it’s about 20 degrees in the sun. I remember growing up in Montréal when you could smell the spring mud and ice thawing, there would always be one last snow generally right before my birthday …

READ MORE  What’s On March Events in Provence 2019
Playing House Memoir
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Playing House in Provence a Memoir

Sometimes, a book’s title brings up old memories. Remember your first house? Sometime after college and into your career, all of a sudden you were no longer “playing house”. It was for real. The following is an excerpt from the book Playing House in Provence: How Two Americans Became a …

READ MORE  Playing House in Provence a Memoir
Sainte Baume Grotto Views
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Sacred Sainte Baume Grotto a Pilgrims’ Walk in Provence

A Natural Grotto Between the busy urban centres of Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, at the heart of the Parc naturel régional de la Sainte-Baume, is a mountain that stretches 12km and a famous religious site. The Sainte Baume Grotto is a prominent destination for Christian pilgrimages and anyone interested in discovering …

READ MORE  Sacred Sainte Baume Grotto a Pilgrims’ Walk in Provence
Winter House Sitting Provence Cannes Quiet Beach Jane Dunning
Jane DunningStay: Accommodation & Rentals in ProvenceWinter in Provence

Winter is Perfect for House Sitting in Provence

In this guest post (below) by author Jane Dunning, she shares her thoughts on why winter is a great time to visit (and house sit) in Provence. Jane is the author of two novels Thirty-Five Minutes from St Tropez and its sequel Stolen Summer. Her experiences while house sitting in …

READ MORE  Winter is Perfect for House Sitting in Provence
Pink Elephant Martini Cocktail
DrinksProvencal RecipesTasha PowellTaste

Pink Elephant Martini Cocktail Recipe it’s La Vie en Rose

I recently threw a birthday luncheon for my good friend, Claire, and served Pink Elephant Martini Cocktails as the welcome drink! This was a huge success. Claire loves the color pink and is very elegant.

READ MORE  Pink Elephant Martini Cocktail Recipe it’s La Vie en Rose
Taking Root in Provence Book cover #Provence #Books
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Christmas in Provence

Dutch-born Anne-Marie Simons is a traveller. She studied in Paris, worked in Brussels and then moved to the United States where for a long time she worked only to support her travel-bug. Today, Anne-Marie and her husband Oscar reside in Aix-en-Provence where she continues to hone her writing. The following …

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ExitGame Escapes Marseille
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

ExitGame Virtual Escapes in Marseille and Aix

Virtual Escapes Not far from Marseille’s Vieux Port is your chance to escape reality at ExitGame. The company opened its doors and “play” rooms in 2015. The concept originated in Asia, but these virtual escapes are now available in many cities around the world. The ExitGame escapes are suitable for …

READ MORE  ExitGame Virtual Escapes in Marseille and Aix

Videos from Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur

Visions and Videos of Perfectly Provence Come and join us. Find out more about Perfectly Provence in this interview with Rebecca Ronane, the founder of both Network Provence and Forward after Fifty: After discovering Equiblues, a Rodéo américain that takes place around the August 15 public holiday, we drove to …

READ MORE  Videos from Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
Salt-Cod Brandade Recipe Provence
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Salt-Cod Brandade a Provencal Classic

In Portugal, the culinary rumour is that there are 365 (or more) ways to cook salt-cod (bacalhau) – one for every day of the year. Cod is called morue in French. It is quite common to find this fish on menus, and it is often the “centre” of attention in the traditional Provencal aioli (recipe here). Gilles recipe for brandade a purée of salt cod, olive oil and other ingredients is below.

READ MORE  Recipe for Salt-Cod Brandade a Provencal Classic