
Hot Spots – New Ways to Stay Web Connected in Nice

Our need to stay connected has become insatiable… especially on vacation. Good news: after years in the digital dark ages, Nice is finally catching up to the modern world!

After years of false starts, we finally have free 4G high-speed wifi all along the Promenade du Paillon, in Place Massena, Place Garibaldi, Cours Saleya, Palais du Justice, and at the train station.

…Continue reading here for details on how to get and stay connected while you are in Nice, travel WiFi tips and even a little something for gamers.

Travel Bonus Tip: if you book your Travel WiFi through this link you will save 10% (we get no compensation it’s just a reader bonus)


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Allison Coe

Allison says her friends know that she reads the Nice-Matin every day, so they do not have to. She is their "go-to gal" for local info. Now she writes the Best of Nice Blog to share what's going on in Nice.

Allison moved from Maui to Nice in the late 90’s with a sort of “Under the Tuscan Sun” vibe: post-divorce, no job, no connections, no apartment, no residency card, …and not even able to speak French! She says that her naiveté was outmatched by stubbornness, resourcefulness, and a whole lot of luck, and 16 years later, she is still in Nice and a local expert.

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