Marseille underwater museum

New in Marseille an Underwater Museum?

Whatever next? Plans are in place for a new tourist attraction in Marseille…an underwater museum. Standing in long boring queues to see artworks will be a thing of the past here – visitors just need diving gear to take the plunge 8m down into the Anse des Catalans.

READ MORE  New in Marseille an Underwater Museum?
lavender fields provence @deb_lawrenson
Deborah LawrensonInspire

Provencal Lavender – off the beaten track

When the lavender is harvested in Provence at the end of July, a heavenly scent is carried on warm evening breezes. Alerted by the first wafts of perfumed air, from our terrace we can sometimes see the smoke rising from the other side of a small ridge. The distillation has …

READ MORE  Provencal Lavender – off the beaten track
Perfectly Provence Christmas Message
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Happy Holidays from Perfectly Provence

Happy Holidays! Seasons greetings to all our readers and the terrific contributors. May the holidays allow you the time to sample some wine from Provence, share a Provencal-inspired meal with friends and family, but mostly enjoy a chance to relax.  

READ MORE  Happy Holidays from Perfectly Provence
Carrieres de Lumieres Culturespaces
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

News on 2017 Theme at Carrieres de Lumieres

Next year’s theme for the popular son-et-lumiere show at Carrieres de Lumiere at Les Baux de Provence is…‘Bosch, Breughel, Arcimboldo from the fantastic to the wonderful’. ‘This show explores the fantastic and wonderful world painted by the 16th-century artists. The first part of this journey is dedicated to Hieronymus Bosch …

READ MORE  News on 2017 Theme at Carrieres de Lumieres
Christmas Taditions and books on Provence @maryjanedeeb
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

Book Review The Christmas Kalends of Provence

The Christmas Kalends of Provence, by Thomas Allibone Janvier, was first published in 1902 and republished many times since. The edition I am using is a facsimile published by Bibliobazaar, 2007, Charleston, South Carolina. Reviewed by Mary-Jane Deeb A few years ago my publisher, Paraclete Press, gave me a small …

READ MORE  Book Review The Christmas Kalends of Provence
La Rotonde #AixenProvence @margo_lestz
InspireMargo LestzProvencal History & Traditions

Good King René and His Fountain

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: Aix-en-Provence, the City of a Thousand Fountains Aix-en-Provence is known as the city of 1,000 fountains. However, since the folks of this area have a reputation for exaggeration, we should probably take that with a grain of salt. The real number might be closer to …

READ MORE  Good King René and His Fountain
Nice Old Town Cote d'Azur
ExploreWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Nice in the winter – Experience Nice a new way

Traditionally the French Riviera, and Nice in particular, was a winter resort. It served as a destination for the upper echelons to escape harsh northern winters amongst their own. Today Nice in the winter is a largely local affair – which means less hustle, bustle and fewer crowds to contend …

READ MORE  Nice in the winter – Experience Nice a new way
Truffles Provence Truffle Markets
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday ToursWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

4 Days in Provence: Wine and Truffle Tour in January

Talk about a perfect January get-away! Emily Durand has created a three-night and four-day tour in the heart of Provence with a distinct focus on the best of the cooler season – wine and black truffles. The first month of the year in Provence you can (generally) count on brilliant …

READ MORE  4 Days in Provence: Wine and Truffle Tour in January
holiday-musings @Margo_Lestz
InspireMargo LestzWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Holiday Musings from Provence

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: As the holiday season approaches, I hope everyone is getting ready for some happy times with friends and family, or maybe just a nice, quiet break from the normal routine. Whatever type of season you are planning, I hope it is filled with joy. As …

READ MORE  Holiday Musings from Provence
French Brocante
Barefoot BloggerInspireShopping & Gifts

What’s So Special About French Brocantes?

Tell me there’s a brocante nearby and I’m there! If I start off another blog post with “one of my favorite things,” please excuse me. It’s just that it’s so hard for me to contain myself when describing some of the fun things to do in France. Like going to …

READ MORE  What’s So Special About French Brocantes?