Mary Magdalene
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Is This the Face of Mary Magdalene?

As most of you living in and around Aix will know, the region has long been associated with Mary Magdalene, the companion of Jesus who, according to legend, was driven out of Palestine during early Christian persecutions. She was expelled together with other saints in a boat without sails, which …

READ MORE  Is This the Face of Mary Magdalene?
Rosé Revolution Book Elizabeth Gabay MW
Books on ProvenceInspireThe Riviera Grapevine

The Rosé Revelation a New Book on Wine

Writing a book about rosé taught Elizabeth Gabay MW that pink is defined by more than Provence. In case you haven’t noticed, the world is in the midst of a rosé revolution. The young and flirty alternative to red and white wine, the pink drink is the toast of summer …

READ MORE  The Rosé Revelation a New Book on Wine
French Riviera Mimosa Trail Photos @girlgonegallic
Ashley TinkerInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

February Events in Provence 2018

Mimosa and Sea Urchins Despite it being February, the coast of France, which borders the Mediterranean, becomes bright yellow during this time of year. Synonymous with the Mediterranean, I’ll never forget when I was in Italy during International Women’s Day. It’s the custom there to hand out Mimosa to every …

READ MORE  February Events in Provence 2018
Pablo Picasso Provence Château de Vauvenargues @PerfProvence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGinger and NutmegInspire

Pablo Picasso’s Final Resting Place in Provence

Previously published on Ginger and Nutmeg: The Château is certainly iconic in Vauvenargues a small village of barely 1000 people. Pablo Picasso loved the place for the isolation that it provided for his work. After his death, Jacqueline proposed that the castle become a museum, the village never approved the …

READ MORE  Pablo Picasso’s Final Resting Place in Provence
André Maire Art Exhibit Musée Regards de Provence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

New Art Exhibition at Musée Regards de Provence in Marseille

I have to hand it to the Musée Regards de Provence seems to keep finding interesting local artists to introduce to us all. This time, André Maire (1898-1984) was an inveterate traveller. He was very curious about people, civilizations and religions, and painted his impressions as he went. Continue reading …

READ MORE  New Art Exhibition at Musée Regards de Provence in Marseille
War Memorial Provence Vaucluse
ExploreJulie WhitmarshProvencal History & Traditions

A War Memorial amongst the Lavender Fields in the Vaucluse

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Back in the Summer we spent some time exploring the pretty village of Simiane-La-Rotonde, a few miles away from us in the neighbouring Department of Alpes de Haute Provence. Whilst we were there we noticed the names of five (5) English Airmen had been added …

READ MORE  A War Memorial amongst the Lavender Fields in the Vaucluse
Bastide Soap Aix-en-Provence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerInspireShopping & Gifts

Made in France Bastide Soap Aix en Provence

Arts de la Table, Bastide We are blessed here in Provence to have the best ingredients when it comes to producing scents (and eating!). Grasse is the perfume capital of the world; not surprising considering the endless fields of lavender, roses, fruit blossom and wild scented herbs that create the …

READ MORE  Made in France Bastide Soap Aix en Provence
Surviving Provence Book Barbara Farber
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Surviving Provence a New Book on Life in Provence

Surviving Provence is a humorous account of the people (and animals) who share author Barbara Farber’s daily life in the South of France. It is a far cry, she explains, from an ode to lavender and sunflowers. She writes: “Although my husband and I were both born in the United …

READ MORE  Surviving Provence a New Book on Life in Provence
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Buy Tickets to ‘Follies’ – London Theatre Show Broadcast Direct to Aix

On Sunday, January 21, 2:30 at the Renaissance Hotel, there will be a broadcast of Stephen Sondheim’s ‘Follies’. The production had terrific reviews when it showed at London’s National Theatre. Here is a short video trailer of the show. “Setting the Stage”: It’s New York, 1971. There’s a party on the …

READ MORE  Buy Tickets to ‘Follies’ – London Theatre Show Broadcast Direct to Aix
Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution’
Books on ProvenceElizabeth GabayInspire

New Wine Book! Behind the Scenes of ‘Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution’

So excited! After a year of rosé discovery, my book Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution, part of the Classic Wine Library, is out and will be available from 15 January. Back in October 2016, when first discussing the idea of writing a book on rosé, I thought I understood …

READ MORE  New Wine Book! Behind the Scenes of ‘Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution’