Sporting Life Decathlon Hiker France
InspireKeith Van SickleShopping & Gifts

Frenchify Your Sporting Life at Decathlon

My wife and I were on vacation in Italy, zooming along the autostrada near Florence when she suddenly started shouting and waving. “Pull over!” she yelled. “Right now! There’s a Decathlon!” That got my attention. I spun the wheels to the right and barely made it onto the off-ramp in …

READ MORE  Frenchify Your Sporting Life at Decathlon
Maison Empereur France’s Oldest Hardware Store
InspireShopping & Gifts

Shopping in Marseille in Maison Empereur France’s Oldest Hardware Store

Did you know Marseille has France’s oldest quincaillerie or hardware shop? It really is a must-visit if you are interested in traditional Provencal life. Take the magnificent big hand-graters, for instance – just the sort of gadget used in café kitchens many years ago to churn out carrots and cabbage …

READ MORE  Shopping in Marseille in Maison Empereur France’s Oldest Hardware Store
Lavoirs Provence Laundry Seguret
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Airing Your Dirty Laundry, the Lavoirs of Provence the Place for Washing and Gossip

Kneeling on a garde genoux (wooden knee protector) by the edge of the public wash basin, local peasant-class women exchanged tidbits of town gossip as they worked tirelessly to brighten their laundry. Their weathered hands vigorously scrubbed away at stubborn stains as water sloshed against the shallow stone sides of the village lavoir in …

READ MORE  Airing Your Dirty Laundry, the Lavoirs of Provence the Place for Washing and Gossip
Provence History Tale Sardine
Ashley TinkerInspire

Provencal History Tale of The Sardine that Blocked the Port of Marseille

Do you know about the sardine that blocked the port of Marseille? As I was perusing local postcards at a local flea market in Provence, I came across a curious image. The postcard depicts an enormous sardine blocking the port of Marseille. The seller, taking advantage of my ignorance and …

READ MORE  Provencal History Tale of The Sardine that Blocked the Port of Marseille
Arles May Events Provence
Ashley TinkerInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

What’s Going on in May Events in Provence 2018

On the 1st of May, make sure to visit the celebrations in Arles where the Fête des Gardians takes over the city. Worth a visit! You may even see the queen of les Arlesiennes. This is the month of public holidays in France. Make sure to be aware of store closings. I would …

READ MORE  What’s Going on in May Events in Provence 2018
Passion for Provence Gayle Smith Padgett-passion-for-provence
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Book Review: Passion for Provence a Memoir by Gayle Smith Padgett

While reading Gayle Smith Padgett’s book, Passion for Provence, 22 Keys to La Belle Vie, I kept thinking this lady is someone you would enjoy getting to know in person. The book (her first) is just over 260 pages long, after each of the 22 chapters she shares her “key” …

READ MORE  Book Review: Passion for Provence a Memoir by Gayle Smith Padgett
Provence Vacation Photography
Ashley TinkerInspirePhotographers in Provence

Making Holiday Memories in Provence Vacation Photography

Book your Photo Shoot in Provence! Vacation Photography Vacation photography is a growing genre of photography offered by professional photographers living all over the world. Selfies are great, but they don’t compare to professional photos. I know so many couples or families that don’t have any good photos of everyone …

READ MORE  Making Holiday Memories in Provence Vacation Photography
James Jaulin Photography Photographer
InspireKeith Van SicklePhotographers in Provence

James Jaulin Photography Exhibition in Gordes

James Jaulin is a world-travelling photographer who has previously been profiled in Perfectly Provence. His newest exhibition will be in the charming hilltop village of Gordes, beginning on April 28th and open every day from 9 am to 7 pm. The exhibition will take place in the Chapelle des Pénitents, …

READ MORE  James Jaulin Photography Exhibition in Gordes
Ai Weiwei Show MuCEM Marseille
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Ai Weiwei Show Starts in June at MuCEM in Marseille

Just announced, an exhibition of the work of Ai Weiwei, opening at MuCEM on June 20th in Marseille. Having seen his show at the Royal Academy in London last year, I expect it will be stimulating and baffling…but unmissable.  According to MuCEM, they will be adding objects from their permanent …

READ MORE  Ai Weiwei Show Starts in June at MuCEM in Marseille
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

A New Book, Art in the South of France: The Inside Story

My new book, “Art in the South of France: The Inside Story,” will be launched this week. It is a journey across from ancient sun-drenched Arles through Saint-Tropez and Saint Paul-de-Vence to the Italianate beauty of Menton, following the artists who flocked south to the area where their creativity flourished …

READ MORE  A New Book, Art in the South of France: The Inside Story