DIAM technical corks France
Maison Mirabeau WinesWines and Spirits of Provence

How DIAM Corks are Ensuring our Rosés Stay Purely Delicious

Contributor blog post by Victoria Koning @MirabeauWine Bottle closures are a hotly debated topic among wine professionals, from the staunch supporters of natural corks in France to the screwcap evangelists of the “new world”. However, the newest kid-on-the-block is making waves … “DIAM agglomerated corks guarantee both 100% removal of TCA …

READ MORE  How DIAM Corks are Ensuring our Rosés Stay Purely Delicious
Dessert Wines Provence Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise
Jill BarthWines and Spirits of Provence

Favourite Dessert Wines from Provence and Southern France

As I mentioned in my earlier post this week: I remember the first time I sipped a Muscat de Beaumes de Venise, a vin doux naturel (VDN, naturally sweet wine) from France’s Southern Rhône Valley. It was with Patrick Soard and his daughter Justine, of Domaine de Fenouillet, on their property – neighbours with …

READ MORE  Favourite Dessert Wines from Provence and Southern France
Pastis Drinks Provence
TasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Pastis a Popular Liquor in Provence

Pass the Pastis Once you get past its slightly unappealing milky yellow colour and mild anise flavour you are either a pastis fan or vow never to drink the stuff again. However, pastis drinkers don’t care what you think about their beverage of choice. As you sip your glass of …

READ MORE  Pastis a Popular Liquor in Provence
Vin Cuit Provence
Maison Mirabeau WinesWines and Spirits of Provence

Cooked Wine Provence’s Vin Cuit is Steeped in Tradition

Sometime in early October, after the harvest, winemakers—mostly located in a small area of Provence at the base of Mont Sainte Victoire, between Aix-en-Provence and Trets—begin the annual tradition of making “vin cuit” or “cooked wine.” They each build a big fire of oak wood and fill a huge cauldron …

READ MORE  Cooked Wine Provence’s Vin Cuit is Steeped in Tradition
Wine Holidays l'Occasion Gift Guide
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wine Wrapped Up for the Holidays: The L’Occasion Gift Guide

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: This time of year brings forth memories of Christmases that I’ve experienced and also, of Christmases that I’ve created in my imagination, fueled by narratives told and retold – a history of the way things should be. …Continue reading here for Jill’s wine post – …

READ MORE  Wine Wrapped Up for the Holidays: The L’Occasion Gift Guide
Christmas Wine Christmas Cocktails with Rose Mirabeau Winery
Maison Mirabeau WinesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Here are 6 Reasons Why Rosé Is The Perfect Christmas Wine

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to do that than indulging in some delicious wines. Now, there’s a certain stigma when it comes to rosé that it should only be enjoyed during the summer, but in actual fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just …

READ MORE  Here are 6 Reasons Why Rosé Is The Perfect Christmas Wine
Wine France Labels Made in France
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wine Notes: What Does it Mean to Be Made in France?

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: Earlier this month, I lined up a set of wine bottles from France. Each one from a unique and stated region, each one bearing a label like a little luggage tag: here is my home. To the French people, their government and producers indication …

READ MORE  Wine Notes: What Does it Mean to Be Made in France?
Chateau Sainte Roseline Wine
Guest PostTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wine and Wonders at Chateau Sainte-Rosaline

This beautiful vineyard at Les Arcs-sur-Argens is a must-visit, not just for its natural beauty and acclaimed wines but also for the outstanding Chapelle Sainte-Rosaline in the grounds. It not only contains artistic gems (Giacometti and Chagall) but also the 680-year-old body of the saint herself, reposing in the nave …

READ MORE  Wine and Wonders at Chateau Sainte-Rosaline
Château Romanin Wine Alpilles
Keith Van SickleTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Château Romanin: Two Millennia of Wine and Mystery

Delicious wines, a gorgeous winery and a privileged location in one of the most beautiful spots in France: Château Romanin has it all. It is also a place where wine, religion and mysticism have intersected for centuries. It began with the Greeks, who built a shrine here to the goddess …

READ MORE  Château Romanin: Two Millennia of Wine and Mystery
wine bottle and glasses Vignobles St Tropez Helicopter Visit
TasteWines and Spirits of Provence

The Best Vignobles Near Saint Tropez: Fly to Taste Your Wines

The French Riviera is renowned for its rolling hills and outstanding vineyards. Rosé wines are a home-grown specialty, but the splendid whites and reds deserve some attention too. A trip to the Var is incomplete without sampling the local vignobles, particularly if you are heading to St Tropez and Grimaud, …

READ MORE  The Best Vignobles Near Saint Tropez: Fly to Taste Your Wines