seared duck ground cherry chutney
David Scott AllenMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Seared Duck Breast with Ground Cherry Chutney

The other day I got a text from my friend, Jill, that our local store had gooseberries, and did I want any? What a silly question! Of course, I wanted some gooseberries. Within seconds I was dreaming of the gooseberry-almond cake from my days in Heidelberg, Germany. When Jill arrived …

READ MORE  Seared Duck Breast with Ground Cherry Chutney
cumin roasted pork chops
David Scott AllenMain CoursePorkProvencal RecipesTaste

Wine Pairing with Cumin-Roasted Pork Chops

What’s for dinner? It is a question I have asked myself daily for the past 400 days. Yes, I have cooked every meal since mid-March 2020 at home. No restaurants, no take-out, nothing. But, if you know me, I enjoyed it, especially these cumin-roasted pork chops. In the spirit of …

READ MORE  Wine Pairing with Cumin-Roasted Pork Chops
Chicken Fricassée à la Provencal
Let’s Eat the WorldMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Delicious Dinner Chicken Fricassée à la Provencal

Fricassée is a traditional French stew made with meat browned in butter, served in a delicate sauce made from stock. You can alternate the meat in this recipe with rabbit, veal, or duck for a dish easily mistaken for a gourmet meal. The sauce is bright and full of flavour. …

READ MORE  Delicious Dinner Chicken Fricassée à la Provencal
Easy Classic Chicken Provencal
Main CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesPoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

An Easy Dish Classic Chicken Provencal

When fall brings cooler air, you’ll want to warm up your tastebuds with delicious home-cooked meals that are sure to impress. This Chicken Provencal is a classic chicken dish that combines typical fall flavours like rosemary and thyme with Mirabeau Classic Rosé, which adds just the right je ne sais …

READ MORE  An Easy Dish Classic Chicken Provencal
Hake Pan-roasted with Chorizo and Chickpeas
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Pan-Roasted Hake with Chorizo and Chickpeas

This recipe comes from Chef Ben at Maison Mirabeau. He created the dish featuring pan-roasted hake in a warming stew of chickpea and chorizo. Hake is a white fish from the cod and haddock family, either of which would be fine substitutes. Here is how Chef Ben describes the fish, …

READ MORE  Pan-Roasted Hake with Chorizo and Chickpeas
Grilled Sea Bream Fresh Seafood
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Grilled Sea Bream Fresh Seafood

When you have the chance to eat fresh seafood never hesitate. Shifting your meals to accommodate the season and in this case, the fresh catch can be an incredibly enjoyable experience. Paired with a chilled bottle of Mirabeau Pure Rose, this grilled Mediterranean sea bream is a tender, succulent dish …

READ MORE  Recipe for Grilled Sea Bream Fresh Seafood
Scallops in Blood Orange Sauce
David Scott AllenFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Seared Scallops in Blood Orange Sauce

I was given six small, extremely juicy blood oranges by my friendly farmers, Eunice and Larry (Larry’s Veggies), right at the end of blood orange season. She said, “I know you will do something wonderful with them.” Weeks earlier, friends Susan and Towny had sent me a recipe for scallops …

READ MORE  Seared Scallops in Blood Orange Sauce
Upside down savoury caponata tart
David Scott AllenMain CourseProvencal RecipesTasteVegetarian

Leftover Eggplant Make a Savoury Caponata Tart

Recently, I shared my simple vegetable Napoleons with you as a side dish for the goat cheese-stuffed chicken. If you make it, you will probably end up in the same boat I did: lots of leftover parts — zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, tomatoes. While that sounds like all the fixings …

READ MORE  Leftover Eggplant Make a Savoury Caponata Tart
Pan-Fried Salmon with Pine Nut Salsa
David Scott AllenFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Pan-Fried Salmon with Pine Nut Salsa

Throughout the holidays, we watched a lot of “feel good” movies. That is code for RomComs, chick flicks, Hallmark, Lifetime, and Disney fare… you get the idea. Whenever we get to this time of year, we put a moratorium on anything that might tax our brains, souls, or hearts. Nothing …

READ MORE  Pan-Fried Salmon with Pine Nut Salsa
Cod Fish Steamed in Spinach Leaves, Basil Ratatouille, White Wine Cream Sauce
Fish & SeafoodLet’s Eat the WorldMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Steamed Cod Fish with Basil Ratatouille

Easy to prepare, cod is a white fish with a mild flavour that is perfect to pair with bright, colourful vegetables. This dish is an excellent addition to some rice or pasta or great served on its own. We made a traditional Provencal ratatouille as a side dish, the recipe …

READ MORE  Steamed Cod Fish with Basil Ratatouille