Pan Bagnat Nice French Riviera Provence @CocoaandLavender
David Scott AllenLunchtime MealsProvencal RecipesTaste

A Nicoise Classic Pan Bagnat

What could be more delicious than a big messy sandwich at a picnic with friends. This Nicoise Pan Bagnat is packed with layers of flavour that only get better the longer they marinate together. Fresh peppery arugula with tuna, pickles, olives, capers, fennel, tomatoes, anchovies and homemade mayonnaise are perfectly presented on an artisan baked french loaf.

READ MORE  A Nicoise Classic Pan Bagnat
La Mirande Restaurant in Avignon @OurhouseinProvence
Our House in ProvenceRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Lunch at La Mirande Restaurant in the shadow of the Pope’s Palace

Contributor blog post by Michel: One morning in October, we headed to Avignon with friends Steve and Mary for lunch at La Mirande Restaurant. Shirley and I had eaten at La Mirande before at the suggestion of fellow blogger, renown cooking instructor and friend Barbara at Cuisine de Provence, but this …

READ MORE  Lunch at La Mirande Restaurant in the shadow of the Pope’s Palace
Provencal Ratatouille Tastes Provence
David Scott AllenProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Provencal Ratatouille the French Laundry Way

A breathtaking display of deliciousness that could rival any of the old French Masters. This variation of Ratatouille speaks for itself. Artistically arranged tomatoes, peppers and eggplant bond together for a wonderful taste sensation topped with a refreshing vinaigrette followed by a drizzle of rich crema balsamica.

READ MORE  Provencal Ratatouille the French Laundry Way
Bouillabaisse Champignons mushroom bouillabaisse @Toquadom #TastesofProvence
Provencal RecipesSoupTaste

A Twist on Bouillabaisse with Champignons de Saison

If ever there was a great recipe to exploit and highlight the season’s best offerings of mushrooms, there is none better than this one. A light and cool vegetable bouillabaisse teeming with the bountiful delights of fresh local mushrooms garnished with a creamy rouille.

READ MORE  A Twist on Bouillabaisse with Champignons de Saison
le petit cafe retaurant in Oppede-le-Vieux @cobblestoneandvineyards
Cheryl ShufflebothamRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Le Petit Café in the Majestic Oppède-le-Vieux

Some things just don’t change. Don’t you love it when you return to a place and it feels like nothing has skipped a beat while you were gone? Like le Petit Café located in the breathtaking Oppède-le-Vieux. The same white dog sitting on a spool in the centre of it …

READ MORE  Le Petit Café in the Majestic Oppède-le-Vieux
Roast Lamb Recipe Agneau juste a temp @Masdaugustine
Gary and Jane LangtonLambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Easy Roast Lamb Recipe

Garlic and Rosemary infused tender leg of lamb cooked to perfect pink served with bright blanch vegetables. A must for your next dinner party or gathering.

READ MORE  Easy Roast Lamb Recipe
Galette des rois Epiphny Cake @FibiTee
Christmas & HolidayDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

How to Make a Traditional Epiphany Cake

shared by our contributor Phoebe Thomas. She makes this French January treat, a delicious, buttery, frangipane pastry, called la galette des rois, which translates to the King’s Cake at home with her kids.

READ MORE  How to Make a Traditional Epiphany Cake
Avignon Church @OurhouseinProvence
Our House in ProvenceRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

L’Agape Restaurant, a Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurant in Avignon

Contributor blog post by Michel: As soon as L’Agape Restaurant was awarded a Bib Gourmand by the Michelin inspectors, I began to make attempts to locate L’Agape Restaurant in Avignon. I thought I would come across it as I walked around but never found it in the area where we …

READ MORE  L’Agape Restaurant, a Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurant in Avignon
Provence Vegetarian Holiday Menu
David Scott AllenProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Vegetarian Holiday Menu Inspired by Provencal Flavours

Sometimes you just need to go green for the holidays. This tastes of Provence Vegetarian Holiday Menu will impress even the die-hard carnivores in the crowd. Martine at Goût et Voyage leads off with her tiny zucchini cakes (you can also make these with spinach) a savoury snack with cocktails. …

READ MORE  Vegetarian Holiday Menu Inspired by Provencal Flavours
Cat Cafe in Nice @Margo_Lestz
Margo LestzRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

La Ronronnerie A Cat Café in Nice and Why Cats Purr

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: Have you heard of cat cafés? No, they are not where cats go to have their morning coffee and read the newspaper. They are for us humans, and they are pretty much like any other café… except there are cats roaming around. Normally, you …

READ MORE  La Ronronnerie A Cat Café in Nice and Why Cats Purr