Recipe Grandmothers French Butter Cookies
Cakes & CookiesDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Classic Recipe for Grandmother’s French Butter Cookies

French Butter Cookies – Les Sablés. Long ago when my grandmother was still of this earth, she shared with me her French butter cookie recipe, Sablés Normand. She had been making it for years, but the recipe dates even further back than that …Continue reading here for GGG’s post on these …

READ MORE  Classic Recipe for Grandmother’s French Butter Cookies
Mural by Fernand Fleger 1952, in the patio La Colombe d'Or St Paul de Vence The Monaco Reporter @CelinaLafuenteDeLavotha
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

La Colombe d’Or Legendary Saint Paul de Vence Restaurant

There is nothing more fun than discovering a new local expert who likes to share their “insider’s knowledge.” We recently connected with The Monaco Reporter. Celina Lafuente de Lavotha is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina known for Tango, Football, Polo, excellent meat and warm hospitality, and very proud of having recently …

READ MORE  La Colombe d’Or Legendary Saint Paul de Vence Restaurant
Provence Summer Dinner Party Menu
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Tastes of Provence a Summer Dinner Party Menu

It sounds so cliché to talk about the abundant produce and fabulous markets in Provence, but the region is an absolute gift to culinary types—a present where no wrapping is required, just a shopping basket and some inspiration. The seasons in Provence are marked by two things: the variety of …

READ MORE  Tastes of Provence a Summer Dinner Party Menu
english wine Brexit
Elizabeth GabayTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Musings on Wine and Brexit

Contributor blog post by Liz Gabay: A year ago, I was asked to write something on the economic impact on the wine trade of Brexit. I didn’t. Partially because I’m lazy, but mostly because I didn’t have the foggiest what would actually happen. At the time, I don’t think anyone …

READ MORE  Musings on Wine and Brexit
Tomato Tarte Tatin @OurhouseinProvence
Lunchtime MealsOur House in ProvenceProvencal RecipesTaste

Perfect for Lunch in Provence Tomato Tarte Tatin

Highlighting the wonderful flavours of fresh Roma tomatoes and Oregano on a light and flaky tart shell served with crisp salad greens.
A Tomato Tarte Tatin.

READ MORE  Perfect for Lunch in Provence Tomato Tarte Tatin
Thursday Markets Vaucluse
Julie WhitmarshMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Thursday Markets in Provence Another Reason to Cycle in the Vaucluse

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: I like Thursdays for many reasons. Not only is it nearly the weekend, or a chance for yoga both in the U.K. and here in France, but there’s also a good handful of Thursday markets to choose from in the Vaucluse. There’s the lovely …

READ MORE  Thursday Markets in Provence Another Reason to Cycle in the Vaucluse
Barbecue Beef Skirt Steak Recipe
BeefMain CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Easy Barbecue Beef – Skirt Steak a la Provencal

One much overlooked cut of meat is skirt steak, cooked correctly it has so much flavour and the added benefit of being half the price of fillet.

READ MORE  Recipe for Easy Barbecue Beef – Skirt Steak a la Provencal