Expat Silliness Provence
Ashley TinkerExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

More Expat Silliness In Provence

Life in France as an Expat Part II Life as an immigrant in another country is never easy. A friend of mine recently managed to mix up the French work to cook “faire cuire” with to drive “conduire.” This resulted in her explaining to the butcher how she was going …

READ MORE  More Expat Silliness In Provence
Provence Expat Life Whitmarsh Family
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Provence Expat Life: When Does a Holiday Stop and Life Begin? 

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: So that’s it – I’m back in the UK after another long summer at our little place in Provence – Andy’s staying on for another couple of weeks, as he came out after me and we always want to use the house as much as …

READ MORE  Provence Expat Life: When Does a Holiday Stop and Life Begin? 
Ten Ways South of France
Expat Living and Real EstateJemma - French Lessons

Ten Ways You Know You’re in the South of France

Contributor blog post by Jemma: Philippe, Lolo and I are driving into nearby Cannes one afternoon, chatting away about something or other, when the insistent voice of Waze breaks in. “Wait!” I say. “What did she just say?” We pipe down inside the car, a bubble of calm amid the …

READ MORE  Ten Ways You Know You’re in the South of France
Expat Living France
Ashley TinkerExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Amusing Stories of Expat Living in France

Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker: Expat Living in France Here are just a few anecdotes from the last month of my life in France as I try to navigate where I come from and where I live now. Hamburger Shame I ate at a hamburger restaurant in Avignon (link …

READ MORE  Amusing Stories of Expat Living in France
Paul Shore Author Uncorked
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Expat Living in Provence: Why not Try it

Paul Shore is a Canadian with a taste for adventure and a flair for writing. Some 20-years ago, he jumped at a work opportunity to live as an expat near the French Riviera. He chose to rent a place in the hill-top village of Saint Paul de Vence. The town …

READ MORE  Expat Living in Provence: Why not Try it
Hotel-du-Caumont-Aix @Provence_Search
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceSophia van Woensel-Mose

Slowing the Pace of Life in Aix-en-Provence

Most foreigners moving here love the fact that life in beautiful Aix-en-Provence is lived at a slower pace. However, the daily business of living doesn’t always go slowly here because of a conscious lifestyle choice. Instead, it often is a consequence of this medieval capital of Provence having expanded over …

READ MORE  Slowing the Pace of Life in Aix-en-Provence
Book in Bar Aix en Provence
Ashley TinkerExpat Living and Real Estate

Reference List for Meeting Expats in Provence

I can’t speak for the entirety of France but if you’re looking for expats in Provence here are a few suggestions. When I first moved to France I had it in my head that I would only meet French people. I soon learned that in the countryside, people was a …

READ MORE  Reference List for Meeting Expats in Provence
Roussillon, Chateau Canorgue @ShutrsSunflowrs
Caroline LongstaffeExpat Living and Real Estate

Living a ‘A Good Year’ even if it’s not in Provence!

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: When ever I am feeling far away, yearning to be back in the Luberon in Provence, one of my solutions is to watch, yes for the hundredth time, ‘A Good Year.‘ Filmed minutes from Lourmarin, it perfectly encapsulates this stunning region; the alluring natural light, …

READ MORE  Living a ‘A Good Year’ even if it’s not in Provence!
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceRebecca Ronane

Why Should You be Networking in Provence

Or anywhere else, for that matter! This is a question that probably has not entered your thoughts, unless you are used to networking. Firstly what is it? In all honesty I didn’t have much idea when I started Network Provence in February 2015. By the way the dictionary definition states; …

READ MORE  Why Should You be Networking in Provence
Animals in Provence @Vauclusedreamer
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie Whitmarsh

A Funny thing happened on the way to the Supermarket in Provence

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: So often we find ourselves chuckling about the odd things involving animals that we’ve seen over the years whilst in Provence including a horse in a flat cap. A piglet being walked on a lead in Lourmarin. Or the cat at Roussillon who delights in …

READ MORE  A Funny thing happened on the way to the Supermarket in Provence