Events Story Beauty Salon
Ashley TinkerInspire

New Beauty Salon Events Story in Aix-en-Provence

How sexy are you feeling today? Events Story: A Beauty Salon with Character Events Story is a beauty salon in Marseille. It has just opened up a new salon right in the centre of Aix en Provence. Sisters Sonia and Linda have created a different type of salon that caters …

READ MORE  New Beauty Salon Events Story in Aix-en-Provence
Historical Marseille Photos Vieux Port
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Discover Historical Marseille – What Lies Beneath Ground?

The tourists sitting in the sun outside cafés in the Place aux Huiles and the Cours Estienne d’Orves probably don’t realise that they are perched above an ancient system of canals that dates back at least to Roman times. I am indebted to the website ‘Made in Marseille’ for the …

READ MORE  Discover Historical Marseille – What Lies Beneath Ground?
Room in Chateau Lourmarin
Caroline LongstaffeExplore

Why You Should Take a Tour of the Chateau Lourmarin

Last time, I told you about Provence’s first Renaissance château, the Lourmarin Château and promised that next time, we would peek inside. Here, you will find a fascinating, sometimes quite surprising, eclectic collection of treasures, thanks to the legacy of its last private owner, Robert Laurent Vibert, and The Lourmarin …

READ MORE  Why You Should Take a Tour of the Chateau Lourmarin
Eggplant lasagna recipe
David Scott AllenMain CourseProvencal RecipesTasteVegetarian

A Delicious Recipe from a Friend for Eggplant Lasagna

Eggplants are a market staple in Provence. Although this recipe is more Italian in theme, you certainly can find lasagna on menus in Provence. Deep purple aubergines are a somewhat somber contrast to the bright red strawberries and tomatoes that you might find displayed on market stalls. This purple vegetable is a main stay in Provencal cuisine and certainly is a key ingredient in any ratatouille recipe.

READ MORE  A Delicious Recipe from a Friend for Eggplant Lasagna
Jean Moulin in Provence History of the Resistance @PerfProvence
ExploreKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

Discover the Women of the French Resistance in the Alpilles

There was a very interesting talk in St.-Rémy-de-Provence the other night, about women in the French Resistance.  It focused particular attention on St.-Rémy, where I live part of the year. The talk was organized by the local historical society and featured two historians who specialize in the subject.  The event …

READ MORE  Discover the Women of the French Resistance in the Alpilles
Markets in France and Learning French @VaucluseDreamer
Julie Whitmarsh

Learning French to Enjoy Life in Provence 

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Having spent a good few months out of the last year in France both Andy and I have seen our French really improve, although we both started at very different levels. I’d learned French at school, although had given up after taking my ‘O’ …

READ MORE  Learning French to Enjoy Life in Provence 
Coronado Island beach
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTaste

Enjoying a Southern California Taste of Provence Menu With Friends

Occasionally, there are opportunities to connect with contributors in person, outside of “Perfectly Provence.” This week was one of those times. Provencal Connections in California On what was a bit like speed dating trip in Southern California my hubby and I drove to San Diego for one evening. The hook for …

READ MORE  Enjoying a Southern California Taste of Provence Menu With Friends
Perfectly Provence this week

Discover the Perfectly Provence Contributors

Perfectly Provence is the name of this website; it is also a community of over 40 contributors each of whom has a personal connection to the region. The list includes expats who have chosen to make the South of France their home: Rebecca Ronane is a dynamic life coach with …

READ MORE  Discover the Perfectly Provence Contributors
Flea Market Finds Vintage Mirror
Ashley TinkerInspire

A Provencal Flea Market Find a Vintage Mirror

A flea market find! I couldn’t resist this lovely vintage mirror decorated with old postcards. I had promised myself to stop buying vintage postcards at French flea markets, but this could be characterized as a mirror… n’est-ce-pas? What is the Origin? I originally thought the postcards, or the object itself, came …

READ MORE  A Provencal Flea Market Find a Vintage Mirror