Picasso Walk
ExploreGuest PostGuided Holiday Tours

En Balade: Picasso Special Section

The new ‘En Balade’ published by La Provence is a must for those who love the south of France. In tracing Picasso’s favourite places, it has sections on Arles, Sorgues, Aix, Les Baux, St Tropez, Mougins, Antibes and so on. Each section has a good overview on the location, and …

READ MORE  En Balade: Picasso Special Section
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Picasso Exhibition at MuCEM

MuCEM re-opens with its expo Picasso, Un Genie Sans Piedestal: Picasso et les Arts et Traditions Populaires’ which is well worth a visit. Presented with the support of the Musee Picasso-Paris, along with other international loans, the show has 270 works. This show, a unique collection of Picasso’s works on …

READ MORE  Picasso Exhibition at MuCEM
Expat Living and Real EstateGuest PostLiving in Provence

UK Referendum – Voting Info for Expats

The referendum to decide whether or not the UK remains in the EU is being held on 23rd June. British citizens may be entitled to vote subject to being registered and their eligibility. The deadline for registration is 7th June. To register to vote, go to https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. For more information: …

READ MORE  UK Referendum – Voting Info for Expats
Navette Maritime
ExploreGuest Post

It’s Back! La Navette Maritime or Batobus

…as it used to be known, comes back into service for the season on Saturday 23rd April. Boats start at Marseille’s Vieux Port and take 100 passengers to either Pointe Rouge or L’Estaque. Each journey takes about half an hour and last year cost 5 euros. You get great views …

READ MORE  It’s Back! La Navette Maritime or Batobus
Aix Talk on Filming in Provence
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix: Talk on Filming in Provence – May 3rd

Raising the Curtain on Filming in Provence This is the theme of a talk on the local film industry here in Provence at the IAU in Aix-en-Provence, on Tuesday May 3. It’s organised by the MAABN (Mediterranean Anglo-American Business Network), in partnership with the IAU. Provence has a long tradition …

READ MORE  Aix: Talk on Filming in Provence – May 3rd
Aix Carnaval 2016
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix: Carnaval 2016

Carnaval in Aix is great fun: last year it took me hours to get all the confetti out of my hair and clothes…and it reappeared in the apartment for days afterwards. The children of the town take great delight in flinging handfuls everywhere. This year the event takes place on …

READ MORE  Aix: Carnaval 2016
Hotel la Maison d'Aix Aix-en-Provence
Guest PostHotels Provence & Cote d'AzurStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Where is France’s Most Romantic Hotel?

Right here in Aix as it turns out! Le Parisien has just awarded that honour to La Maison d’Aix, a mansion built in 1789, in the Quartier Mazarin. Architect Laure Juhen has renovated the building in the spirit of a previous owner Madame Henriette Reboul, a ‘ mystérieuse antiquaire et …

READ MORE  Where is France’s Most Romantic Hotel?
Uzes Duchy Uzes Gard
ExploreGuest PostRoad Trips South of France

Spend A Day in Uzes

It takes just under 2 hours to get to Uzes from Aix and is well worth the visit. It’s a charming little town (pop. just over 8,000) which is unspoiled by modern developments. And it has a terrific Saturday market. So what is there to do? Perhaps because it was …

READ MORE  Spend A Day in Uzes
Carrieres de Lumieres Chagall @Culturespaces
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Chagall at the Carrieres de Lumieres in 2016

Now open! The 2016 show at the Carrieres de Lumieres at Les Baux de Provence – it’s ‘Chagall: Songes d’Une Nuit d’Eté’. What a treat this should be! If you haven’t visited before, this is a unique venue, a disused quarry where 100 projectors transmit images across the 14m high walls and …

READ MORE  Chagall at the Carrieres de Lumieres in 2016
Network Provence
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Meeting for Women in Provence

Network Provence has been set up for local women to promote their businesses. I attended one of their meetings in Aix back in November and really enjoyed learning about activities being set up. There are so many women who find themselves in Provence and set up businesses to fit around their …

READ MORE  Meeting for Women in Provence