Quirin Mayer artist
Guest PostInspire

Latest Exhibition at Marseille’s Musée Regards de Provence

Musée Regards de Provence in Marseille is a delightful gallery celebrates local artists who are very often new to me and so a visit is quite an adventure of discovery. The latest expo is dedicated to designer, painter and sculptor Quirin Mayer (1927 – ) whose work is balanced, colourful …

READ MORE  Latest Exhibition at Marseille’s Musée Regards de Provence
Vivian Maier photos
Guest PostInspirePhotographers in Provence

Vivian Maier Photography in L’Isle sur la Sorgue

In 2007, John Maloof, a local historian in Chicago, came across some boxes of photos and negatives depicting Chicago in the 60’s at an auction house. Unable to thoroughly examine its contents, he took a gamble and purchased the box for around $400. He found nothing relevant for the history …

READ MORE  Vivian Maier Photography in L’Isle sur la Sorgue
MACM in Mougins @MACMougins
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

An Unmissable New Museum in Mougins

Mougins is a picture-perfect centuries-old hilltop village. Constructed like a spiral with ancient passageways lined with stone houses, it is now a magnet for craftspeople, artists and high-class restaurateurs. But there’s an additional reason for visiting the village and that’s the Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins. This is one of …

READ MORE  An Unmissable New Museum in Mougins
Guest PostTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wine Festival at Saint Maximin this Weekend

If you haven’t visited Saint-Maximin, this Sunday (29th January) is an excellent time to do so as it is the Fete de la Saint Vincent, when the local vignerons celebrate their patron saint. Sixty-five of them will gather to thank their saint for the last harvest and implore his protection …

READ MORE  Wine Festival at Saint Maximin this Weekend
Corner Bistro in Aix en Provence
Guest PostTaste

Keeping out of the wind – Places for Snacking in Aix

If only the authors of guidebooks who drool over Provencal markets with such glowing, romantic prose could witness the scene today! The few brave traders in the Cours Mirabeau were packing up by 11, such was the wind; but this unlucky one didn’t strike camp fast enough. Estate agents’ publicity …

READ MORE  Keeping out of the wind – Places for Snacking in Aix
Paul Ricard The Formula 1 track in Provence
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

The Formula 1 returns to Provence

…but we have to wait until 2018. The rumours were finally confirmed December 5 that the Paul Ricard circuit would be holding the event. It’s the first time the Grand Prix has been held in France since 2008, when it was last hosted at Magny-Cours in Nevers. And 26 years …

READ MORE  The Formula 1 returns to Provence
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Two New Art Exhibitions in Marseille

December 3rd was the launch of a show of illustrations by the amazingly talented René Gruau who worked for major fashion and style publications during his long and creative life. There was a big expo of his work in London a couple of years ago and his skill at drawing The …

READ MORE  Two New Art Exhibitions in Marseille
Carrieres de Lumieres Culturespaces
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

News on 2017 Theme at Carrieres de Lumieres

Next year’s theme for the popular son-et-lumiere show at Carrieres de Lumiere at Les Baux de Provence is…‘Bosch, Breughel, Arcimboldo from the fantastic to the wonderful’. ‘This show explores the fantastic and wonderful world painted by the 16th-century artists. The first part of this journey is dedicated to Hieronymus Bosch …

READ MORE  News on 2017 Theme at Carrieres de Lumieres
Puss in Boots in Provence Children's Book @coco_blignaut
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Children’s Book: Puss in Boots in Provence

We asked author Coco Blignaut if she would write a guest post for Perfectly Provence readers about her latest book Puss in Boots in Provence. This children’s tale may spark a travel bug in a few small people, and if you are lucky they may even let you read this novel about …

READ MORE  Children’s Book: Puss in Boots in Provence
Aix en Provence Archaeologists Find Cemetery in centre ville
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Aix en Provence Archaeologists Find Cemetery in centre ville

The ‘dig’ being carried out ahead of the redevelopment of the Place de la Madeleine has already yielded results in that skeletons are being exhumed and taken for examination. As expected, there was a 16-18th century cemetery beside the church. The archaeologists are also hoping to find objects. This historical …

READ MORE  Aix en Provence Archaeologists Find Cemetery in centre ville