Avignon Musées Mirabilis Museums
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Museums of Avignon Musées Mirabilis is the Big Summer Show

The wonderfully creative Arlésien designer Christian Lacroix has been given free rein to choose items from the museums of Avignon for ‘Mirabilis’, the summer show. And ‘marvellous’ it surely will be: visitors can see 350 to 400 works, documents and collections, from prehistory to ethnic collections to modern art, in unusual groupings …

READ MORE  Museums of Avignon Musées Mirabilis is the Big Summer Show
Musée d’ Histoire de Marseille
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Step Back to The Beginning of Time Back at Musée d’ Histoire de Marseille

Marseille is the oldest town in France, so when you walk along by the Vieux Port, you are following in the footsteps of Greek fishermen, shopkeepers, sailors and traders who established their colony in 600 BC.  They, and the Romans who arrived later have left traces that emerge so often …

READ MORE  Step Back to The Beginning of Time Back at Musée d’ Histoire de Marseille
49th Rencontres d’Arles photography exhibition
Guest PostInspirePhotographers in Provence

49th Rencontres d’Arles Photography in July

‘BACK TO THE FUTURE’ is the theme for the 49th Rencontres d’Arles photography exhibition. ‘This year, you are invited to cross space and time with a breathtaking, celestial journey across the ages. Photography is often the best-placed medium for registering all the shocks that remind us the world is changing, sometimes right …

READ MORE  49th Rencontres d’Arles Photography in July
Le Colombier Traditional Provencal cake Agathe Forest Ready to Eat
Cakes & CookiesDessertGuest PostProvencal RecipesTaste

Le Colombier the Traditional Provencal Cake of Pentecost

Ce Gâteau de Pentecôte, très sucré est donc fait pour être partagé entre le plus de personnes possibles. Il est délicieux servi avec des fruits de saison bien juteux: fraises ou groseilles.
(This traditional cake is very sweet and meant to be shared among as many people as possible. It is delicious served with juicy seasonal fruits such as strawberries or red currants.)

READ MORE  Le Colombier the Traditional Provencal Cake of Pentecost
House of Cookies Pancakes-petit-dejeuner restaurant-aix-en-provence
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

American Favourites for Lunch at the House of Cookies in Aix-en-Provence

“In your very comprehensive survey of Aix restaurants, I couldn’t find any mention of House of Cookies, rue Boulegon (but maybe it’s just my mistake!) It’s a lovely place, American vintage-oriented, and the owner, Laetitia, makes the best scones/muffins/ cookies/pancakes in Aix (she makes the cakes for Book in Bar!) You …

READ MORE  American Favourites for Lunch at the House of Cookies in Aix-en-Provence
Visit Monaco
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Join the Tourisme Gardanne Day Trip a Visit to Monaco

The Office du Tourisme at Gardanne is offering a day-trip to Monaco on Saturday 19th May.  It’s an early start, 7:15, but then it’s quite a drive.  Once there, there’s an organised trip round the Musée Océanographique and also the Palais Princier, followed by free time. 86 euros. Details on …

READ MORE  Join the Tourisme Gardanne Day Trip a Visit to Monaco
Market Strawberries Provence @PerfProvence
DessertGuest PostProvencal RecipesTaste

It’s Strawberry Season in Provence a Recipe to Celebrate

The new fraises garriguettes have arrived in Aix, and my goodness, are they good! Some years ago, La Provence published a recipe for a tiramisu with raspberries but I’ve found strawberries are just as delicious, and this is now a firm favourite. Tiramisu aux Fraises Ingredients: 250g strawberries, sliced 250g …

READ MORE  It’s Strawberry Season in Provence a Recipe to Celebrate
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Aix-en-Provence’s Cours Mirabeau – the Fate of the Plane Trees

Having just returned to Aix after some weeks away, my second shock (after seeing the excavations in front of the Palais de Justice being filled in – inevitable I know) was to see the gaps in the Cours Mirabeau where plane trees had been. I had read about the ‘chancre …

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence’s Cours Mirabeau – the Fate of the Plane Trees
Ai Weiwei Show MuCEM Marseille
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Ai Weiwei Show Starts in June at MuCEM in Marseille

Just announced, an exhibition of the work of Ai Weiwei, opening at MuCEM on June 20th in Marseille. Having seen his show at the Royal Academy in London last year, I expect it will be stimulating and baffling…but unmissable.  According to MuCEM, they will be adding objects from their permanent …

READ MORE  Ai Weiwei Show Starts in June at MuCEM in Marseille
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

A New Book, Art in the South of France: The Inside Story

My new book, “Art in the South of France: The Inside Story,” will be launched this week. It is a journey across from ancient sun-drenched Arles through Saint-Tropez and Saint Paul-de-Vence to the Italianate beauty of Menton, following the artists who flocked south to the area where their creativity flourished …

READ MORE  A New Book, Art in the South of France: The Inside Story