Red Wines of Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Provencal Grapevines Through The Seasons

The ABC’s of wine! Want to sound like an expert? Read Ginger and Nutmeg’s blog post to find out about ageing, barrels, corks, decanting, grapes, fun facts and much, much more. For example, Oenology is the science of winemaking and a Refractometer is a tool used by experts to determine …

READ MORE  Provencal Grapevines Through The Seasons
Tasha Powell Cooking with a French Twist
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel TipsRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Foodie Tasha Powell Shares Her Perfectly Provence

Tasha Powell says she reinvented herself after a corporate career in product development for sporting goods. That might not be entirely accurate. It could be that Tasha is finally allowing her Francophile foodie to rule the day. From Allentown, Pennsylvania and Penn State University to living in Provence while she …

READ MORE  Foodie Tasha Powell Shares Her Perfectly Provence
Nice Baie des Anges French Riviera Cote d'Azur
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Cookbook Nice Cuisine and the Art of Living

Like an old postcard or an entry in a dusty travel journal the city of Nice has long summoned me to return and I did! The half-moon smile of Baie des Anges still grins under 300+ days of sunshine as locals and tourists slide by on the Promenade des Anglais. …

READ MORE  Cookbook Nice Cuisine and the Art of Living
Garden Couleur Garance Lauris Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFrench Decor & GardensInspire

A Flower Filled Visit to a Remarkable Garden in Lauris

Tethered to a cliff edge overlooking the Durance River and the plains of the Luberon, you will find a unique garden in the hilltop village of Lauris. This garden envisioned and operated by Couleur Garance, is located on what were the terraces of the 18th-century Chateau de Lauris. Jardin conservatoire …

READ MORE  A Flower Filled Visit to a Remarkable Garden in Lauris
Travel WiFi France
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Travel WiFi Roaming and SIM Cards In France

Provence is paradise…until you attempt to get cell coverage or WiFi access in some Provencal villages. One could blame the thick walls built with stones from Roman foundations, or the at times violent weather. However, the reality is that cellular network coverage is limited in some areas. Apparently, I should …

READ MORE  Travel WiFi Roaming and SIM Cards In France
Views from la Bastide de Gordes Gordes Hotels
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottHotels Provence & Cote d'AzurStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Luberon Luxury at la Bastide de Gordes

How do you test a hotel’s 5-star rating? Forget about checking for dust on picture frames — deliver a thunderstorm in the middle of a meal service. L’Orangerie’s terrace was brimming with lunchtime customers enjoying their market-fresh plats du jour and local rosés when the typically far-reaching view of the Luberon vanished …

READ MORE  Luberon Luxury at la Bastide de Gordes
The Modern Trobadors @ModernTrobador #Provence Tour
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Meander Provence with Modern Trobadors Tours

The Modern Trobadors may travel through Provence with iDevices and digital cameras, but their goal is similar to their medieval brethren to share news about this diverse corner of France. Now, you can join them on a bespoke tour of Provence in 2016. Medieval troubadours were poets and musicians who …

READ MORE  Meander Provence with Modern Trobadors Tours
Food Tour Nice Rosé Pissaladiere Cote d'Azur Provencal Baking Tarts Cakes
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Traditional Food Tour in Nice

Let’s just say it had been a few years since I had spent any time in Nice. My last visit was during an era when backpacks with external frames were acceptable, walkmans were hip, travel on $20 a day was possible and the Euro had not been invented. I was …

READ MORE  Traditional Food Tour in Nice
Author PJ Adams
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Author PJ Adams is Legally Intoxicated by Provence

Sparkling azure waters, chilled pink wine, cicada-led symphonies and the market aromas of rotisserie chickens it is easy to see how one might get drunk on the sensory indulgence of Provence. Intoxicating PJ Adams grew up in California where she studied, before heading to the London School of Economics. Her …

READ MORE  Author PJ Adams is Legally Intoxicated by Provence
Patina #Arles Heather Robinson @LostinArles @HeatherRobinson
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Getting Lost in Arles a Guided Tour

We had barely walked 3km from our meeting point, but we were utterly lost in the architecture and history of Arles. My husband and I were in Arles for our annual trip to the sous-prefecture to request the forms for the renewal of our long-stay visas. This process involves getting …

READ MORE  Getting Lost in Arles a Guided Tour