Sète Seashore Provencal Lifestyle Retirement Adventure Deborah Bine Barefoot Blogger
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLiving in Provence

Choosing the Provencal Lifestyle to Embark on a Retirement Adventure

Deborah Bine spent her childhood in Charlotte, North Carolina dreaming of “faraway places” (her words). Her early travels included visiting her Aunt Rose in exhilarating Manhattan. “Aunt Rose owned New York — or so this sixteen-year-old ingénue from the Carolinas assumed.” On this voyage, Deborah learned some travel lessons that …

READ MORE  Choosing the Provencal Lifestyle to Embark on a Retirement Adventure
House Sitting Provence
Ashley TinkerStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Learn About House Sitting in Provence

Experience Provence as a Housesitter Recently I was fortunate enough to be invited to stay as a housesitter in a home of expats who had arrived in France some years ago. They now live in a delightful village in the Var, Haute Provence. The owners needed to return to the …

READ MORE  Learn About House Sitting in Provence
Life in France Demonstrations and Strikes
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceMargo Lestz

Life in France Demonstrations, Strikes, and Bossnappings

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: It’s springtime in France, and it’s also strike time. I’m just setting off on a trip across the country by train and I’ve had to adjust my travel dates because of the rail strikes – at least they put out a schedule. This spring/summer the …

READ MORE  Life in France Demonstrations, Strikes, and Bossnappings
Expat Living Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Expat Living: How Another Year in Provence Flies By

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: This time last year I was writing about our first year in Provence, borrowing the title from Peter Mayle, who so sadly died earlier this year, having fuelled the dreams of so many people over the years (ourselves included) with his wonderful stories of life …

READ MORE  Expat Living: How Another Year in Provence Flies By
Expat Living Experiences Provence Bicycle Deborah Lawrenson
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Expat Living Experiences in Provence by Author Deborah Lawrenson

Born in the United Kingdom (UK) to parents who worked in the diplomatic service, Deborah Lawrenson spent much of her childhood moving around the world to China, Kuwait, Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg) and Singapore. After completing English studies at Cambridge University, Lawrenson worked as a journalist in London. Today, she …

READ MORE  Expat Living Experiences in Provence by Author Deborah Lawrenson
Capturing Provencal Scenes Orchards Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Photography and Art Capturing Provencal Scenes in Keepsake Photos

Ashley Tinker is the photographer behind the beautiful (and popular) Curious Provence Instagram feed, she is also the creator and writer of the blog by the same name. Originally from Montreal, Canada, Ashley headed to Florence, Italy for fine art school. You can probably guess that for someone who is …

READ MORE  Photography and Art Capturing Provencal Scenes in Keepsake Photos
Locals parading traditional dress Provence Retirement Home Gayle Padgett
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Provence For Your Retirement Home: Gayle Padgett’s Expat Story

Mention Provence as a destination to your friends, and most people have either been and want to return or are dreaming of their first visit. Gayle Padgett and her husband “flirted” with Provence for two decades, often travelling during their vacation time from US government jobs in Germany. As their …

READ MORE  Provence For Your Retirement Home: Gayle Padgett’s Expat Story
Provence Living Cotignac view from below
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Provence Living Founder Shares the Resources you need for Life in the South of France

From the bright lights of one of the world’s biggest cities to a rural village in the South of France, Susana Iwase Hanson has plenty of experience with relocations. Tri-lingual (English, French and Japanese) and armed with diplomas in linguistics, and international business and marketing, she launched Provence Living in …

READ MORE  Provence Living Founder Shares the Resources you need for Life in the South of France
Goult Summer Rental Luberon Provence Stay
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottRental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Goult Summer Rental Enjoy Provencal Living for Six Weeks

Near the beautiful Luberon village of Goult is a property named Les Maquignon Hameau. Odette Linton and her partner are looking for renters for their charming hameau (hamlet) for six weeks this summer. What a made-in-heaven opportunity to settle into daily life in Provence, from a comfortable home base. Located between …

READ MORE  Goult Summer Rental Enjoy Provencal Living for Six Weeks
Expat Living Pets Dogs Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Expat Living with Pets It’s a dog’s life in Provence

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: It’s now nearly 4 months since Millie, our Golden Retriever, arrived for her first visit to France and I think it’s fair to say she has settled in very quickly and already considers Provence as home. I admit that it didn’t start too well, …

READ MORE  Expat Living with Pets It’s a dog’s life in Provence