Zarzuela Fish Stew is the Catalan Version of Bouillabaisse
Similar to Marseille’s bouillabaisse, Zarzuela from Catalan is hard to pin into a category it’s either a hearty soup or a stew with a tasty broth. And with both soup/stews, there are endless different recipes. The following recipe for Zarzuela Fish Stew comes from Emma Kershaw’s Taste of le Sud …

Provencal Traditions and 8 Lamb Recipes to Try
Raising sheep and goats has been part of the fabric of life in Provence for centuries. Before grocery stores, small animal husbandry was necessary for nutrition and is the basis for traditional recipes. We highlight eight (8) of these dishes further down in this article. Grazing Land In a landscape …

Winter Meals Braised Oxtail with Potato Purée
As the weather in the Sonoran Desert finally cools down, the morning temperatures are just low enough to use the fireplace. Once winter arrives, I look forward to that first fire and spend all morning staring into the flames. Along with those indolent desert winter days come the addictive comfort …

Gardiane de Taureau Provencal Beef or Bull Stew
Are you looking for winter comfort food? This French meat stew makes a cold day a little warmer. Gardiane de Taureau, or gardianne, is also known as a daube camarguaise or daube des gardians. Our recipe for this traditional Provencal stew includes marinaded, slow-cooked meat from the black bulls (taureaux) …

Braised Bison Stew with Silk Road Spices
the scent of this stew as our native Albertan bison simmers the day away in a slow cooker filled with the warmest flavours spices can impart. If you can’t access bison, as we can here in Western Canada, beef will be a wonderful substitute.