Sunflowers in Provence Mornas
ExploreOur House in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Sunflowers in Provence Near the Fortress of Mornas

Last July, we went to Provence for the first time in a while. Although I wrote about our favourite things in Provence shortly before our trip, seasonal “floral” attractions such as red poppies, lavender, and sunflowers are high on our list. Since July is sunflower season, we set off one …

READ MORE  Sunflowers in Provence Near the Fortress of Mornas
History Pigeonniers of France
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

History the Pigeonniers of France in Perspective

Beautiful Bird Homes Thousands of pigeonniers, or pigeon towers, dot the landscape of the south of France. If you look for them, you will quickly realise that they come in an astonishing variety of shapes, sizes and styles. Arguably, no creature has had more beautiful homes built for it than …

READ MORE  History the Pigeonniers of France in Perspective
Le moulin de Pallières official photo
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Pallières Windmill in Pennes-Mirabeau Back to Milling Flour

Named after a rocky outcrop in Pennes-Mirabeau, the 18th-century Pallières windmill stopped working sometime between 1862-66. Finally, after a lengthy restoration project commencing in 2019, the mill is functioning and open for visitors. Once again, sitting on its rocky ledge, the Pallières windmill has operational blades and a dedicated miller …

READ MORE  The Pallières Windmill in Pennes-Mirabeau Back to Milling Flour
Fascinating Medieval History Apt
InspireJulie WhitmarshProvencal History & Traditions

The Fascinating Medieval History of Apt

Over the last few weeks, we have got a little bit further under the skin of the local area, and it’s taken us to some very different places, most recently on a guided tour of the Cathédrale Sainte Anne, in the heart of Apt, focusing on its medieval history. Each …

READ MORE  The Fascinating Medieval History of Apt
Roman Traces Apt was Apta Julia
ExploreJulie WhitmarshVillages Towns and Cities

Apt was once Apta Julia the Roman City

A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to do a pop-up event with my jewellery in the cellar of our friends’ newly restored townhouse and apartments in the centre of Apt Cent Cinq. I say cellar, but this was the most beautiful, vaulted stone room, set below the …

READ MORE  Apt was once Apta Julia the Roman City
Painter Paul Cézanne's Atelier Statue in Aix-en-Provence
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Aix-en-Provence More Fascinating History

Aix-en-Provence is a moderate-sized city in the Bouches du Rhône department of Provence. Home to Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and several prestigious Lycées, the city has a dynamic vibe and a long history. Initially settled by the Romans in 122 BC, Aix is one of the most visited cities in Provence. …

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence More Fascinating History
Bell Tower Hotel de Ville Aix-en-Provence #AixenProvence @PerfectlyProvence
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence

After 18 years in Aix, I only realized that it’s actually someone’s job to clamber up narrow staircases and reach across the void inside the Tour de l’Horloge to manoeuvre the four (4) statues around every 3 months when the season changes. It’s down to (or should we say up …

READ MORE  The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence
Parchments Archives Antibes History
InspireJemma - French LessonsProvencal History & Traditions

The Archives in Antibes for a Look at History

It’s unlikely that a trip to the municipal archives in Antibes would be on many (or any) visitor’s to-do list. However, for me, the chance to see parchments dating from the 1300s was irresistible. When four parchments appeared in a British auction house two months ago, the city of Antibes …

READ MORE  The Archives in Antibes for a Look at History
Nice's Cathedral Russian France
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

Nice’s Cathedral the Most Russian Spot in France

There are so many fun things to do in Nice—you can walk along the Promenade des Anglais, enjoy the view from one of those famous blue chairs, and dig into a salade niçoise at a café in the Old Town. Now here’s one to add to your list: visit the …

READ MORE  Nice’s Cathedral the Most Russian Spot in France
Molinari sardine Two Famous Marseille Expressions
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

Two Famous Marseille Expressions

“C’est la sardine qui a bouché le port de Marseille!” (A sardine blocked Marseille’s port!) This local saying is famous throughout France. Another that is less well-known is “Chercher Molinari” (look for Molinari). Both expressions, curiously, come from the same famous disaster that took place in the 18th century. The …

READ MORE  Two Famous Marseille Expressions