Ken Loach Films in Aix en Provence
Next week sees the start of a month of Ken Loach films at the Institut de l’Image (at the Cité du Livre). The British film-maker is known for his realistic directing style and for his socialism, which are evident in his film treatment of social issues such as homelessness and …
Next week sees the start of a month of Ken Loach films at the Institut de l’Image (at the Cité du Livre). The British film-maker is known for his realistic directing style and for his socialism, which are evident in his film treatment of social issues such as homelessness and …

Movie Night in Uzes: Il Trovatore
If you’ve attended a simulcast production of the Metropolitan Opera in your local theatre, you know how good it is. You have the best seats possible to hear and see the performance without paying the big bucks to be in Lincoln Center. If you live in, or are visiting …Continue …
If you’ve attended a simulcast production of the Metropolitan Opera in your local theatre, you know how good it is. You have the best seats possible to hear and see the performance without paying the big bucks to be in Lincoln Center. If you live in, or are visiting …Continue …

Ciné Récré – Kids Film Festival in Nice
Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: For the seventh year, cinemas in Nice are hosting a kids film festival on the dates of 14, 15, 18, 21 and 22 November. The programme includes old classics such as Pinocchio, Bambi and Sleeping Beauty as well as newer films such as Paddington, …
Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: For the seventh year, cinemas in Nice are hosting a kids film festival on the dates of 14, 15, 18, 21 and 22 November. The programme includes old classics such as Pinocchio, Bambi and Sleeping Beauty as well as newer films such as Paddington, …

Movie Night in Uzes: Carmen at the Met
Somehow it seems strange to see a French opera, performed live in New York, broadcast live at a cinema in Uzes — with French subtitles. It was truly a memorable event. Carmen and more. Not only was it the first time I’ve seen the opera “Carmen” in full; and the …
Somehow it seems strange to see a French opera, performed live in New York, broadcast live at a cinema in Uzes — with French subtitles. It was truly a memorable event. Carmen and more. Not only was it the first time I’ve seen the opera “Carmen” in full; and the …